An Easy and Nutritious Drink for Kids {shelf safe milk} — The Better Mom

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An Easy and Nutritious Drink for Kids {shelf safe milk}

Shelf Safe Milk: An Easy and Nutritious Drink for Kids (NOT a bad link) #milkunleashed Milk that doesn't require refrigeration? Did you know there is such a thing as "shelf safe milk"?? I am happy to help Milk Unleashed and The Motherhood spread the word!!! Shelf safe milk is the same milk that you are used to. It is just packaged and processed in a different way.


Shelf safe milk has been pasteurized at an Ultra High Temperature (UHT) for a shorter time, to preserve taste and nutrition. The milk is exposed to intense heating to temperatures from 275-284°F for only three seconds. It then passes through heating and cooling stages in quick succession. The milk is immediately put into a sterile, opaque Tetra Pak shelf-safe carton that keeps out light, air and harmful contaminants. The packaging is 70% paper, aluminum foil is used to keep out oxygen and prevent spoiling, and a thin layer of plastic is BPA-free.

The result? Milk that lasts up to six months without refrigeration or preservatives! Once opened, the life of the milk is up to a week or so.

Why do I LOVE shelf safe milk???

It is an easy and nutritious way for moms to provide real milk safely to their children – anytime, anywhere – without the restrictions of refrigeration. The shelf life is between 6-9 months so be sure to check the expiration date.

I have been using shelf safe milk, and I didn't even realize it! Ha! My children LOVE Horizon Organic's Vanilla Milk. If we buy it, it is always in the refrigerated section which is why I didn't even think about it being shelf safe. The single serve cartons allow you to bring milk along in the car, at the park, to school and more!

Shelf Safe Milk for an Easy and Nutritious Snack for Kids (NOT a bad link)


Here is a bit more info from Milk Unleashed:

  • Shelf safe milk cartons provide fun and creative ideas for drinking milk (check out Milk Unleashed recipes using shelf safe milk)

  • Shelf safe milk cartons can be reused for other things and DIY projects

  • Shelf safe milk cartons are environmentally friendly!

  • Bring to kids’ sports events or use for after school snacks

  • Shelf safe milk comes in all different types and flavors to fit your lifestyle! (Here are some of the shelf safe milk options)

Resources for moms:

Check out the Milk Unleashed recipe boards on Pinterest! Check it out for lunch box ideas, DIY projects, healthy snacks, fun family activities and more!

Ruth Schwenk Signature

Disclosure: This post was written for The Motherhood and Milk Unleashed. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

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