One thing I've discovered is that when I'm too busy with too many things I turn to God for strength. He is faithful to provide it, but there is so much more of God that I'm missing out on. So much more of a relationship that only comes when I am still with Him. When I dig deep in His presence. I love this quote by Henri Nouwen:
“So we try to do more while our energies ebb away and we become like uprooted trees with our roots wildly groping for the sky. Thus we anxiously throw our arms toward heaven, praying for extra grace and special enabling, when instead we should be planted again in nourishing soil. That soil is not meant to make us do less, but to change our priorities so that we take time to be still. And in the stillness, find new strength and hope.”
When we say no to busy things, we say yes to the best thing—time with God. And when we have time with God, He is able to direct our priorities.
He will show us what is vital, what is important, and what can be cut. He will guide our answers to the numerous requests that come our way. He sees things with an eternal perspective and can help us do the same. Sure, we may get kudos from others when we work our tails off, but wouldn't you rather get kudos from God?
During our current season, our family's only weekly commitments are work, school, and Sunday church, and it's a good feeling. The kids go to bed early, and John and I have time to connect. Since we are still in the “adjustment” time with the new kids we've adopted, everyone needs this time to adjust to being a family without the busyness of life getting in the way.
Just a few weeks ago I was asked if I would serve in the toddler Sunday school class over the summer, and I quickly answered no. I knew for this season I had my priorities of our adopted kids and our vacation travel, and it wasn't until an hour later that I questioned my husband if I answered too quickly.
“No, I was proud of you,” he told me. “You know what's important, and you told her you could help in the fall.” Because I'd spent time with God and allowed Him to direct my priorities I'd answered—not out of selfishness—out of an understanding of what He'd called me to . . . bringing two orphaned children into our home and helping them heal.
I used to be the worst at saying no until I realized the greatest yes—Jesus. I no longer feel I have to be the person everyone else can count on. Instead, I strive to be still before Jesus and make sure He can count on me as I count on Him.
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