Inward Beauty. Learning To Value What God Loves.
I was one in an audience of many broken and hurting souls.
But we all had one thing in common—hope. As I watched the woman who was going to speak being escorted to the stage, I saw someone who was an outcast. Someone who was despised by this world because of how she looked on the outside.
As she began to speak, something happened to me. At first I saw the parts of her that were broken and unused. I could only see her deformities—and then she opened her mouth. She exposed the innermost parts of her soul. She spoke sweet and healing words. She talked about her struggles and how God reminds her of what's important in this life. How God reminds her of the beauty that He sees in her.
And as she spoke truth, I was changed. I was reminded of what I want to be like and how I want to think.
Man looks on the outward appearance but I look on the Heart." —Samuel 16:7
And I began to weep inside.
So much of my life has been wasted on comparing and measuring and outward appearance.
If I can't be content with how God has made me, then how will I ever be content with how God has made others?
And for a year I have been thinking about this, and desperately asking God to help me see people as He sees them. How precious it is to be able to look at someone how God values them. And how disgusting and awful to only see and judge someone from their outward appearance.
I want to value the things that God values. As soon as I forget what is valuable, I hope He gives me grace to understand His mind. To hold and treasure what He loves.
Natalie Falls
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