Hoodwinked Moms Book Club {week one} — The Better Mom

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Hoodwinked Moms Book Club {week one}

I am soooo excited to host the Hoodwinked Moms Book Club here at The Better Mom!!! I can't wait to connect with you, hear your heart and encourage you as we defeat the myths we often believe about motherhood!!!!

This is how it will work:

On Sundays, I will post the reading schedule for the week and post the discussion questions for you to look over as you read but please don’t answer the questions until Thursday’s post. Just be thinking about them throughout the week and as you read.

On Thursdays there will be a devotion here at the site that has to do with the week's reading and we can use the comments to then to answer the questions that resonated with each of us.  We will also have a weekly Blab session on Thursdays.

If you aren’t familiar with Blab, it is an online live video stream session you can watch from a computer, tablet, or phone. You can leave comments and ask questions. You may also be chosen to appear on the screen too in order to ask a question. (Check out Blab here & be sure to load the app if you want to watch from a tablet or phone.)

Here is the reading schedule you can use to follow along with the book club.

Now, here are the discussion questions to ponder as you read and highlight this week. But remember, don’t leave any comments until Thursday’s post when we hold the discussion.

Chapter 1 Questions:

1. What did you think motherhood would be like before you had kids? What has it actually been like since becoming a mom?

2. Have you struggled with pursuing perfection in motherhood? Explain.

3. In Chapter 1, the author states, “Only Jesus can help us to shake off the lies and embrace the truth.” What role has Jesus had in your motherhood? In your life? (You are safe to answer honestly here.)

Chapter 2 Questions:

4. What did you think about the Proverbs 31 woman before this week’s reading? What do you think now?

5. This quote was tucked inside chapter 2: “The hoodwinked mom is quietly and secretly trying to convince herself she knows what she is doing.” Have you    ever gone through a season where you tried to act like you knew what you were doing, but honestly, you needed help? Describe this time.

6. What is one motherhood skill that you have developed and improved? What is one skill you still need to work on?

Chapter 3 Questions:

7. Can you think of an example when you thought you knew the right and only way to mother in a particular area—whether it was before you became a mother, or since? Describe the situation.

8. Have you ever erected a fence as a mom? How can you move forward in motherhood as a woman who builds bridges instead?

9. Chapter 3 of Hoodwinked also discussed the scripture from Titus 2:1-5. The author states, “We can all agree that these verses say that we must take care of our home and family, but how we will do that is lived out differently for each of us depending on our convictions and life circumstances.” Since there are so many women here from various life situations, wouldn’t it be neat to see how we each take care of our own home and families? Take a moment to write a few sentences describing your life and unique way of taking care of your responsibilities at home. Be sure to build a bridge and encourage the other woman doing things differently than you! It is remarkable how many ways we can get the same job done!

Okay, friend! Hope you enjoy the reading this week and we will discuss on Thursday! :)


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