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Alone with God

Is being a mom to your kids allowing you time alone with God?  I remember when my kids were little and all I wanted to do was to get through the day with babies that were changed, fed and cradled without any accidents or tantrums.  Being alone with God was a foreign concept at times.  Church was my alone time.  Sunday School class was my alone time.  Any moment that I could take a {deep breath} was my alone time.  But alone time with just me and God was hard to find.  And can I be honest?  When I did catch some alone time with God whether that was in His Word or in prayer, I really found myself catching a nap instead. If you are reading this and I am describing you, know that it’s only for a season. If you can just catch a little time with God, you will know how important it is and how much you need it.  The moments alone with God become a place of revelation, a place to be changed, to be transformed, and a place to be refreshed.  When we move into a place of faith in God and are alone with Him, our spirit wants more of His presence every day. We find ourselves dependent on His Spirit. And we become like salt in our homes.

I encourage you this week to find time and get alone with God.  In your alone time ask Him to show you how He wants you to mother, ask Him to guide your steps as you mother, and ask Him to help you as you mother.  I promise He will not disappoint. He will give you everything you need to mother your children. Just ask Him.

Ephesian 3:20 – “Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us” (NASB)

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