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This Means War!

Ready or not - here comes Christmas! This is it! This month it all HAS to come together!

This is the month that Jesus' birth is celebrated around the world! There is no day on earth where Jesus gets more attention than on December 25th and you better believe our enemy, Satan, does not like it! He would love to see you buckle under the pressure of ribbons, bows, lights and cookie trays! He would love to see you frustrated and miserable.He does not want this to be a month of peace for you - he wants you to dread every family moment and be highly sensitive to every word others say so you will be bitter, angry and say things that you regret. He does not want you to find time to read God's word or enjoy JESUS, the very one we are celebrating!

Whether you know it or not - you are in a spiritual battle! And if this means war - what's our battle plan? I Peter 5:8 says "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."

Our plan must be to be self-controlled and alert! Self-control means - restraint exercised over one's own impulses, emotions, or desires. And alert means - on the lookout or watch against attack or danger; ready to act. So are we ready to show some restraint this month when things don't go our way? Are our emotions under control? Are we on the look out for the attack?

The only way we will have this superhuman strength to withstand the Christmas pressure is to step out of this horrific dreamland marketers have tried to sell us void of Jesus and BE STILL with Jesus.

So much of our time is often spent helping the children to remember the "Reason for the Season". Now it's our turn. Once the kids are in bed, get yourself a HOT drink. Get ALONE and turn out the lights by your Christmas tree, a lit fire, or a candle and just be alone with God. Pray, talk to him, I encourage you to sing Christmas carols or songs praising him, and just rest with Jesus.

It is in our still moments that music is born, rest is born, talking and laughing is born, prayer is born, love is born and peace is born.

Embrace the peace in your home that is there right before you in Jesus. Do not rush past his offer "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled." John 14:27.

Walk with the King!

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