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Seasons change. Go with it.


My devotional life probably doesn’t look like your devotional life. And yours probably doesn’t look like someone else’s.


And that’s okay.


This past spring I would get up every morning at 6 o’something with my husband as he got ready for work and I would sit in the living room and attempt to read my bible in the quiet of the dark before my 3 Wild Boys woke up and the rumpus began.


This past summer my husband lost his job so I wouldn’t rise until 7 o’something, with the sun. I would sit outside every morning to read my bible, other spiritual books, and meditate/pray. The vines were green and the squirrels were frisky and my soul was rejuvenated.


This Fall my husband got a new job that doesn’t require him to be at work until 10:30. The sun rises later, so I do too. As the weather gets cooler, sitting outside doesn’t appeal to me as much, so I sit on my bed and read my bible every mid- morning. And then I usually take an extra long shower before that husband of mine leaves for work, because it’s the only quiet time in my day for undistracted prayer and focus.


Seasons change. Literally and metaphorically. And God has given us the ability to be filled with his ever-blowing Spirit so that we can adapt to the stillness, breezes, and even the hurricanes of life.


Don’t assume that your present is lesser than some point in your past just because it’s different. Examine your heart, examine your fruit, and if they are growing and blooming properly, be content to adjust to where the Spirit has blown you in your walk with God.


It would be nonsensical for me to try to force the practices of spring or summer on myself now for no good reason. It would be impractical for me to insist on waking up at 4:30 every morning to start my day because it works for someone else I know and is appropriate to their life.


My life won’t look like yours, and yours won’t look like mine. But as long as we’re both seeing evidence of spiritual growth, that’s just fine. After all, if God had wanted me to be you, he would’ve made me that way.


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