Welcome to Week #4 of our Say Yes Series!!! For the last two weeks of this series we are going to talk about Perspective. Week #1 we talked about having the Right Picture as a mom, and we created a family mission statement. Week #2 we talked about having the Right Priorities and having family as our primary ministry. Week #3 we also talked about having the Right Priorities by doing fewer things and doing them better.
Now lets talk about having The Right Perspective. There are two aspects of this point. This week we are going to talk about information. There is one thing that is essential to say upfront and to remember. It is only by God's grace that our children turn out at all, and only His grace saves our children, not our best intentions or methods. With that said, Children are often times growing up in American churches and homes less biblically literate than the previous generations. It is imperative as a parent that we are intentional about teaching our children the truth of God's Word, helping them become rooted in their faith. Often times I think about my life as a Christian, and I can't imagine what it would of been like to be learning scripture from an early age. It is not only an incredible foundation of biblical knowledge, but it is a privilege to have the Word hidden in your heart. Not long ago my daughter came to my husband and declared, "Dad I am glad you are a pastor!" When he asked her why, she said, "Because you teach us the Bible." The truth is, every parent should be (and can be) a pastor to his or her children. Here are five ways you can start teaching your children the Bible now. We have utilized all of these for the different ages of our children.
1. Bible Ball - My kids loooove this and it is amazing what they can learn! You can use this game to learn the books of the Bible, Kings of Israel, etc. Have your kids sit in a circle with you. One person starts with the ball. If you were doing the books of the Bible they would say, "Genesis", and then pass it to whoever they wanted to, and that person would have to say "Exodus", and they would pass it and so on.
2. Scripture Scavenger Hunt - My kids loooove this too!! :) Take notecards, write a different scripture reference on each one and hide them in strategic places. The children go searching together, and take turns finding a card. When they find a card they get one point for finding it, and two points if they can recite the scripture that is written on the card. At the end each child's points are tallied, and we usually give everyone a sweet treat as a prize :).
3. Sundae Sunday and The Story of God -We have a tradition that we do on Sundays called Sundae Sunday! Before bedtime we gather together as a family and sing worship songs, and read through a lesson of The Story of God. You can download it here. We then pray together and have Ice Cream Sundaes!!
4. Nightly Devotional Time - Two great books we have found to read with small children are Goodnight Warrior and Jesus Storybook Bible. With our oldest son, we just had him start reading through the Bible when he was 8. A really great family devotional is 24 Family Ways by Clay Clarkson.
5. MYSTERY - This last one is a surprise! lol! I can't tell you what it is yet, but soon we will be launching it as a tool to help you teach your kids scripture!! So keep that mystery tucked away, and I will let you know when it can be revealed. :)
What are some ideas that have worked well in your home for teaching your children the Word of God???
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