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Hi friend! I am so glad you have stopped by the site. We have such a wonderful community of moms here and we would LOVE for you to join us as we share life and learn together!

Have a Void To Fill?


There is a void.  A longing.  A deep desire. But you can't fill it. 

You soak in the Word for hours, but still want more.  You want to tell the world of Jesus, and many times, you do.  You are learning and growing, but need someone to share it with.

You've read Titus 2 and know that the older women are to teach "the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed." 

And you wonder, "Where's my older Titus 2 woman?"

You've read "iron sharpens iron" and wonder where you'll get the encouragement you need.   You cry out to the Lord, and wonder if He is listening.   You know He will never leave you or forsake you, but truthfully, this being a Better Mom, just isn't becoming a reality. 

But you want it to.

You need it to.

I want to invite you to start here.  I encourage you to read through the words of life that we post here for you. 

Do you know we pray for you?  We do!

Do you know you are loved?  You are!

On December 6th, my co-contributor, Joy, wrote:

"The biggest danger in times like these is that we think we are all alone.  But, there is good news.  There is hope.  There is healing.  There is grace.  There is love.  And there is community"

There is community!  We are here for you!

She goes on to say:

"He has given us each other.  We are not alone here on earth.  He has given us this community of women here at The Better Mom. This is a place we can encourage one another, build each other up, and pray for one another."

Truly, our voids are filled by the Lord.  Without Him we are nothing.  But He has made us to desire community and fellowship.  And we surely can encourage one another, build each other up and pray for one another.

And we can do that here.  Join us!  Leave a comment, an encouragement to other sisters, or a prayer request.

I'll even go first...

This post was shared at: • Homestead Barn Hop • Soli Deo Gloria • On Your Heart Tuesdays Titus 2sdays • Gratituesdays • Living Well Wednesdays • Welcome Wednesdays • Works for Me Wednesdays • Homemaking Link-Up • Big Family Fridays

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