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A Time to Plant ~ A Time to Pluck Up

We finally dealt with “it” this past year. My oldest son Brendan moved out and got his own apartment. While this was an exciting time for him, it brought my husband and me to a place of unfamiliar ground.

You always know the day will come, but you don’t expect it to arrive as quickly as it does. All I can do is trust God that this season of his life will be every bit as exciting as the last, and each one before that. In fact there has never been a chapter in his life that I haven’t enjoyed as much that first moment I held his newborn flesh next to mine.

People have told me, “Enjoy them while they are young, because they grow up too fast.” So true, but as they grow so does our relationship, and with each passing year it only gets better.

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; ~ Eclesiastes 3:1-2, KJV

I like the farming analogy in that verse, because that’s what I’m reminded of. Motherhood is like the scattering of seeds by a meticulous farmer, who goes into the field daily to watch over her crop. But there comes a time in the life of every mother when the harvest is ripe and ready to be brought in from the field. It’s a time of celebration and festivity to those who have produced a crop meet for the Master’s use.

Consider this when planting your field. Every seedling requires four things to grow:

  1. Soil. Provide an atmosphere rich in love and faith. Children who are well rooted in faith at a young age, are more likely to embrace that faith as an adult.
  2. Water. Teach them to seek after eternal truth as found in the Bible rather than the temporal things found in the world. The things of this world always leave us thirsty for more, while faith in God provides lasting joy and fulfillment. God offers us living water that quenches the soul from within.
  3. Light.Using the Bible as a compass, clearly teach the difference between right and wrong. Right is following God’s wisdom (walking in the Spirit), while wrong is following man’s (yielding to the flesh). The commands laid out in scripture shine light on our sin, but the moment we choose to ignore them we cut off that light and the nourishment it offers our soul. Without a willingness to adhere to the Word, we’re walking in darkness and can’t see the light.By teaching them right from wrong we help to preserve their God given conscience. That conscience is the very thing that will guide them when they are out of your sight.
  4. Food. Just as important as a healthy diet is to your child, so is spiritual food. Take time to teach the scriptures to your children, so that they grow spiritually with the ability to handle themselves when life gets tough—as we all know it will. The sword of the spirit (the Word of God) is part of the armor that protects us and helps us to fight against the lies of this world. Without it we can easily be swayed to believe things that aren’t true, but when we’re well versed in scripture we know what we believe and why we believe it. It makes a difference when we're sent out into the world!
You are loved by an Almighty God,
Darlene Schacht

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