The first giveaway is for two registrations for the Bible Bee. This includes:
- 25 Bible Memory Cards. That works out to just over 2 cards per week during the summer, a "do-able" goal for your whole family!
- A Bible in one of five translations
- A "Sword Study" in-depth study on one book of the Bible leveled for three age groups, enabling the whole family to study the same book at the same pace. Sword Studies don't just teach the Bible, they teach a lifelong skill of how to study and apply the Bible, in just 20 minutes a day.
- An official participant Bible Bee T-shirt and button
- Gifts from our ministry partners that support the Sword Study learning
- A Parent Guidebook that gives a solid overview of the study and includes a Family Bonfire Guide, so that you can easily lead your family in fun times of learning and sharing what the Lord has taught you throughout the week.
Giveaway: 2 Registrations for the Bible Bee
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