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I didn't care that she had once been a talented businesswoman, and it didn't matter to me how much money we had, but I felt secure knowing that she was home with me all day. I didn't care if she was on Facebook, contributed to popular blogs, or had a large Twitter following, but I liked knowing she would always be available to listen to me when I wanted to talk.

I didn't care that she regretted not becoming a special education teacher instead of studying business in college, but I felt lucky to have her teaching me at home.

I didn't care if she was fashionable or admired by other men, but it made me happy to know how much she loved, served, and respected my dad.

I didn't care how clean our house was, but I'll never forget how she let my sisters and me build a huge fort in our living room with dining room chairs and blankets, and spend the night in it.

I didn't care if she had an elaborate meal plan or gourmet cooking equipment, but I loved to eat her homemade deep-dish pizza at our Friday family game nights.

I didn't care if our couch matched the rest of the living room, but I remember how she held and comforted me there as I cried during many turbulent adolescent tragedies.

a Mama and her little daughter lie on the grass

I didn't care if she was highly sought-after by others for advice, but there was (and still is!) no one to whom I'd rather go for counsel.

I didn't care how busy her schedule was, but I'll always remember how she got up early every day to spend time in God's Word and in prayer.

I didn't care if she always had the exact right words to say, but I could count on the fact that her tone of voice would be gentle and her words truthful.

I didn't care how popular or cool or important she was among others, because I knew she would always make our family her top priority.

As I consider the things I didn't care about, I have to reevaluate what my priorities are in raising my daughter.  Am I focused on my image, money, and worldly success?  Or am I focused on Christ, intentional parenting, and being present in her life?

I've come to the conclusion that I don't care what else I accomplish in life, as long as I become half the mom to my daughter that my own mom was and is to me.

--------------- This post was shared at: Homestead Barn Hop, Welcome Home Mondays, Modest MondaysSoli Deo Gloria, On Your Heart Tuesday, Titus 2sdays, Titus 2 Tuesdays Link-UpLiving Well Wednesdays, Welcome Wednesdays, Works for Me WednesdaysCreative@Home Wednesdays, Homemaking Link-UpBig Family Fridays


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