Last night
I heard confession--
From a child with red eyes welling.
Voice cracking under burden
Of what he knew
That I did not.
And his disregard, defiance had slapped across my guidance. The issue was not weighty-- But my fear so deep and heavy For a child rejecting wisdom.
Anxious was his glance, Downturned as he waited-- For words and heavy consequences To quickly flood the room. But in that quiet moment...
My heart heard God's heart Whisper...
His kindness draws repentance. His perfect love casts fear out. His grace abounds unchanging. His forgiveness is unmerited.
And instead of words unleashing... My arm wrapped around those shoulders Of a boy becoming man. Of a Faith becoming own. And I thanked God for this Evidence-- Of His light invading darkness. Proof living, walking, breathing, Of a heart soft to conviction.
And this mama's heart saw answered prayer... In this-- Beautiful confession.
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