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Healthy "Grab Bags" {Easy Snacks for the Family}

Who says that snacks can't be fresh, healthy and come in little baggies?

Here is my simple tip on how to fill your family with nutrition without giving up on convenience!

My routine: When I come home from the grocery store, I stop right there ...I dare not put my fresh items away. Out comes my sandwich bags, knives and cutting board! I place all my fruits, veggies and cheeses in front of me and get dicing and packing. I know myself all too well...if I put everything away, in most cases many of my items will get lost in my refrigerator, later to be discovered and spoiled. I force myself to get it all done and prepared right from the get-go. Here's the process in action.... 

These "grab bags" are placed in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator for easy reaching. For all the "no's" that get said during the day...these are {in most cases} a YES!

A GREAT  "Back to School" snack that anyone can make {and take}!   

Blessings, Janelle (comfyinthekitchen.com)

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A Choice is a Limitation

Bi-Weekly Meal Plan for September 17–30