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10 Ways for Moms {of tweens & teens} to Find Connection

The sweet wet toddler kisses and smooshy diaper-padded hugs of play-date days are truly treasured gifts from the Lord. While this precious season comes with its own flavor of perks it also includes some not-so-wonderful sacrifices. I remember clearly sitting on the floor of my living room, with little ones fumbling over my legs as they lurched for a toy, while desperately longing for intimate connection with my momma friends. It felt just out of reach, as we were forced to duck our sentences in between “that’s mine” peacemaking and training up disciplining.

Am I the only one that secretly hoped hard for the future school days where I could complete an uninterrupted thought over coffee-sipping {play}dates with friends? 

I know many mommas cry their eyes out silly on the first day of kindergarten, but mine were only a slightly misty. The other side of my heart delighted in the bursting forth of a brand new season.

Until my big java-scented bubble burst.

Why didn’t someone tell me that there are no such things as play-dates for moms of tweens and teens?

I missed the memo about how the new schedule involved work hours and intense chauffeur duties, making the opportunities to connect regularly an Olympic-size challenge. Friendships dictated by nap schedules and navigated through a trail of cheerio crumbs may feel wearisome at times, but at least this routine-driven limitations actually enable regular opportunities to connect with others in a similar season of life.

So should moms of tweens and teens give up on connecting with other women?

Well this momma doesn’t think so! The Scriptures confirm our innate longing for relationship with others. We’re designed to function as members within the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12, 24-25 CEV), primarily to glorify God, yet that connect meets a need in each one of us. We are also created to connect in a way that provides encouragement, training, and accountability, especially with the next generation (Titus 2:3-5). The end of play-dates and the beginning of busier schedules doesn’t have to mean a loss of connection. Instead, we can embrace this season as the older woman, looking for new ways to do life with others, such as these ten simple suggestions:

  1. Sign up for Bible study or lead one in your own home.
  2. Join a Moms in Prayer International group in your area.
  3. Get involved as a Mentor Mom for a MOPS group.
  4. Connect with a monthly book group or start your own.
  5. Schedule a weekly walk with a friend during lunch or with a young mom who is still pushing a stroller!
  6. Join a gym or take a fitness class alone or with a friend.
  7. Sign up for an adult ed class with a friend, older or younger!
  8. Serve at the local food mission or soup kitchen or even animal shelter.
  9. Start an ETC mentoring group for tweens, teens, twenty-somethings, or younger women.
  10. Form a Grace Chats group for moms of tweens and teens.

Although it might require a good bit of creativity and prayer-filled seeking of the Lord to figure out His direction for how to find connection, it is so worth stepping out in faith to discover meaningful ways to cultivate new relationships. Quite possibly, God may use us, in this new season of life, to leave a lasting impact on the women in our neighborhoods, communities, churches and beyond.

Are you longing for connection?  Which of these ideas appeal to you?


Elisa, moretobe.com

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