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Yes. I am THAT kind of mom. & Better Mom Monday's Link-up!!

Yes. I am THAT kind of mom. ~www.thebettermom.comYes. I am that kind of mom. I believe the best in my kids.

Sometimes that means I miss bad behavior that must be corrected. I'm okay with that.

Sometimes it means that I believe my child's word over another adult's word. I'm okay with that.

Always, it means that my kids know how much I trust them. I'm great with that


Yes. I am that kind of mom. I say yes more than I say no.

Sometimes that means my kids are too busy or up too late at night. I'm okay with that.

Sometimes that means my bank account runs dry sooner than I'd like. I'm okay with that.

Always it means my kids know I enjoy seeing the laughter and happiness that come with new experiences. I'm great with that.


Yes. I am that kind of mom. I do things myself that my kids could do.

Sometimes that means extra piles of laundry. I'm okay with that.

Sometimes that means I'm doing chores I'd already delegated. I'm okay with that.

Always that means that my kids know what servant love really is. I'm great with that.


Jesus believes the best in me.

Jesus says yes more than He says no.

Jesus does things for me that I could do for myself.

Through Him I have learned what servant love really is.

Yes. I'm THAT kind of mom. I'm okay with that.


--By Nicole O'Dell

***Photo from Freedigitalphotos.net by imagerymajestic


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Better Mom Mondays Link-up is every Monday!!! Every week we have hundreds of posts linked up here from so many beautiful women with beautiful things to share!  I encourage you to visit their sites by clicking on the links and reading all of the fantastic ideas and insights! Also don't forget to join the fun by adding your blog!!   We request that if you join below -please add the Better Mom Mondays Link Up button to your post so your readers can find us here! (Posts can include the topics of mothering, marriage, homemaking, discipleship, recipes, organization and more!) You can find the html code in the sidebar, or "save as" copy, and paste the button below.

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