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What I Love about Being a Mother of Boys

10 Reasons I Love Being a Mother of Boys All my life, I dreamed of having a little girl. I pictured us getting manicures together, shopping, and enjoying all sorts of girly things. (Of course, my friends with girls assure me it’s not always quite so blissful.)

It seems God’s picture of my family was slightly different than mine, though, because I am a mother of two boys. Two rough and tumble, ornery boys.

Don’t get me wrong. I adore my boys. I simply assumed I would have a girl as well. As this dream of mine has come to an end (after four miscarriages), I’ve finally started focusing on the positives. The things I love about being a mother of boys.

So if you’re out there with two…or three…or four boys and wishing you had a girl, I share this list for you. (And moms of girls, feel free to jump in and share some things you love about being a mother of girls).

What I Love about being a Mother of Boys:

1. I am the only girl in the family and thus the only female who gets spoiled. (Even our dog is a boy, so I really am the only one.)

2. There is only one hormonal woman to deal with, and it happens to be me. The teenage years, I’m sure, will be somewhat easier without another female dealing with “her time of the month.”

3. It’s actually kind of fun to dig in the mud, kick a soccer ball around, and get dirty.

4. There will always be a “strong boy” around to conquer something for me (like the spider on the wall or the jar I can’t seem to open).

5. Mother-Son dates. Need I say more?

6. I get the privilege of being the most important woman in my boys’ lives. Sure, they love Grandma, and someday they’ll probably fall in love with another woman. But at least for now, I am the central female figure in their lives.

7. Boys give great bear hugs. The tighter, the better.

8. How else will I learn how to build my very own Tire Factory “just like the one on Cars”?

9. Boys can pee outside. It is so much easier when you’re on vacation and nowhere near a gas station.

10. The bond between a mother and her sons will last a lifetime. I’m sure mothers and daughters, as well as fathers and sons, have similar bonds, but I don’t know. There’s just something about a momma and her boy.

Let’s talk: What is your favorite thing about being a mother of boys? (Or a mother of girls?)



Lindsey Bell is the author of Searching for Sanity, a parenting devotional that will be released in January 2014. She’s also a stay-at-home mother of two, minister’s wife, avid reader, and chocolate lover. You can find Lindsey online at any of the following locations:  You can find Lindsey at www.lindsey-bell.com or on twitter at www.twitter.com/LindseyMBell

About Searching for Sanity:  Have you ever looked at your beloved children and wondered, what in the world am I doing?  Why did God trust me—of all people—to raise them?

Motherhood is the most difficult job many of us will ever take. Searching for Sanity offers moms an opportunity to take a breath, dig into the Word, and learn from parents of the past. In short devotions designed for busy moms, this book uses the parents of the Bible—both the good and the bad—to inspire today’s mothers.

It’s coming soon, so be on the lookout!

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