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In my continual quest to become a better mother, I recently  jotted down 25 ways to bless my children. This is the type of list that will vary by family, child, and mother, however, I feel led to share this with all of you. I pray that someone out there finds the inspiration they are looking for in their current season of motherhood. 25 Ways To Bless Your Children

  1. Read the Bible together.
  2. Tell them you love them every chance you get.
  3. Listen to them intently. This is something that I work on every day. While my intention is to give our children my all when they speak to me, the reality is that I am not always able to. I try to make sure that I get better at this every day.
  4. Love them without limits. Never hold back the love you have for your children. This doesn't mean to let them do what they want, rather it means to give them your all while walking in love with them.
  5. Pray for them.
  6. Pray with them.
  7. Let them cook for you.
  8. Read a book together. Take turns reading aloud to one another no matter their age.
  9. Give each individual child focused attention every single day. Even if this is only amounts to 10 minutes, it matters. Make the most of this special time each day.
  10. Hug them often.
  11. Play their favorite game.
  12. Tell them how proud you are of them, highlighting positives. I do this every day with each child. It can be difficult to do at times when the child is not behaving, but I still press on and make sure this happens.
  13. Fly a kite together.
  14. Let them plan a day of fun for you to share together.
  15. Ride bikes together.
  16. Serve at a soup kitchen together.
  17. Bake some sweet treats together. If you do not eat baked goods, then donate them to a local police or fire department.
  18. Watch a movie together. Rent a movie or go to one - just make it a special time!
  19. Take a long walk together. This is such a great way to get in some exercise as well as providing a special time to talk.
  20. Smile at them (often).
  21. Go out for a treat. Could be ice cream, pretzels, or iced tea just as long as you are together.
  22. Go shopping together.
  23. Plant something together. It could be a flower, tree, herb garden, or anything you desire.
  24. Kiss them goodnight - every night.
  25. Ask them how their day is going. While this might seem like a no-brainer, you'd be surprised how many times I have heard overwhelmed parents tell me that they do not ask their child how their day is going when they notice changes in behavior. This simple gesture will not only show your child you love them, but it can also be what determines how they handle challenges they are facing.

What is your favorite way to bless your child(ren)? The ways are numerous, but it is important that we think about them and be intentional in this area of our lives. I challenge you to pray and allow God to show you even more ways to show His love to your little blessings!

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