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You're Not the Doctor {Are you a Kingdom Woman?} & a Giveaway!

Friends, I am so thrilled to introduce you to a friend of mine who I just adore! I got to know Chrystal recently at a Leadership Retreat we both attended in Colorado with Sally Clarkson. Chrystal and I connected instantly and stayed up way too late that first night talking non-stop! :)

Chrystal Evans Hurst and Ruth Schwenk (Are you a Kingdom Woman?) ~www.thebettermom.com

Here is a little bit about Chrystal....

IMG_0573Chrystal Hurst is a writer, speaker, and worship leaderย in addition to serving as the chief executive operating officer in her home as a wife and mother of five. She is a self-proclaimed "geek" and bibliovore, who is actively seeking help for her addiction to Starbucks, sweet tea, and chocolate chip cookies. Chrystal is co-author of the recent release,ย Kingdom Womanย and also blogs regularly atย Chrystalโ€™s Chronicles.

Chrystal joins us today as a guest and I know you will just LOVE her! ย Chrystal writes:

As I laid my two little ones down to sleep, I knelt down next to the toddler bed and leaned in for a snuggly hug. "Are you going to lay with me?" my 3yo asked me with bright eyes. "No, sweet boy,โ€ I replied. I explained that Mommy had to go get some rest too.

Because, I was so close to him, I could see right up his nose and noticed that it needed cleaning. I grabbed a tissue and proceeded to clean it for him. He promptly proceeded to tell me, "You're not a doctor, Mommy"...

I stifled my urge to laugh in his face because he was so serious. I said, "No, I'm not a doctor, but I'm a Mommy and I need to clean your nose." I made my way downstairs thinking how wonderful it is to be a mother and how great it is to be able to catch great moments like that.

I arrived downstairs to find the mess from this morning awaiting me. I sighed...I'm the cleaning lady...

I made my way from the living room to the kitchen... No, I'm the cook...

The refrigerator caught my eye and I noticed the menu for this week. Really...I'm the nutritionist...

Our kitchen island got my attention because the screwdriver was there were I left it earlier. I'm a handi-woman...

I remembered I needed to go get the hammer to hang a few pictures... cuz I'm the interior decorator...

I picked up the massage oil I use when I give my smallest son his daily stretches. No, I'm a therapist...

The shelf sits near to the area where we did school work today. Looks like I'm a teacher...

The schoolwork rested close to the playpen and the other baby paraphernalia...

Oh, I'm a childcare provider...

I glanced at the stack of bills of on my desk. Wait, I'm the financial manager...

The thought crossed my mind that we ought to get our W-2 soon. Even better. I'm the tax lady...

On my way to the laundry room to dump the dirty clothes I realized. Hmmph! I'm a personal shopper...

The laundry room gave way to the bedroom. Aha!...I'm the keeper of the love nest!

Out of the bedroom back into the hallway...

The hallway closet was open and my mouth dropped as I stared at the shelf of medicines, Band-Aids, and supplies. Wow! I AM the doctor!

Itโ€™s true that moms wear quite a few hats as they raise their children. In my experience of mothering toddlers, tweens, teens, and a twenty-something, Iโ€™veย  learned that the roles of a mom are innumerous and impossible to count or quantify. But Iโ€™ve also learned that when we mother out of the strength, power, and joy available to us in our relationship with Jesus, we can do everything Heย has called us to do for our families.

Chrystal, Chrystal's Chronicles

Are you a Kingdom Woman? {giveaway} ~www.thebettermom.com (NOT a bad link)

We are SOOOO excited to share with you Chrystal's just-released book Kingdom Woman!!

A kingdom woman gives the devil as much reason to fear as a kingdom man. She lives confidently in the knowledge that Christ died and rose for her so that she can experience the significance of the destiny to which she has been called.

Inย Kingdom Woman, Tony Evans and his daughter, Chrystal Evans Hurst, remind women of their calling from God to be free, delivered, healed, and to have hope. The authors bring insight that encourages women to correct distorted perceptions and understand who they really are in Christโ€”never settling for less when connected with the One who gives them hope. All believers are covered by Godโ€™s covenant with Abraham. Evans and Hurst want women to know these rights and confidently claim and live by them. The new covenant offers more than a life of mediocrity. A kingdom woman is called and empowered to live a life of victory through Christ!

We have three copies of the bookย Kingdom Womanย byย Chrystal Hurst and her dad Tony Evans to give away!! ย To enter join the Rafflecopter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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