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The 2nd Annual "Living and Active" 5 Week Fitness Challenge

We are making our way into the fall which means we are back in the swing of things in regards to our schedule! I don't know about you, but the summer can make being disciplined in your health a little difficult! I know that I need a little challenge and motivation to get me back in the game, so I thought that you might too. I am happy to announce the 2nd Annual "Living and Active: 5-week challenge....which starts, Today! (Monday, September 16)

The 2nd Annual "Living and Active" 5-Week Challenge : peak313.com

You can find out more about it on my blog, but here are the basics:


Exercise 4 days a week for 25 minutes (minimum). You can continue doing what you usually do or do some suggested workouts that I will provide


Memorize the weekly scripture verse (aka: Soul Food) and do the key challenge.


You will have so much more success (and fun!) with a partner or group, so I encourage you to find someone--or a few--to do the 5 week challenge with!

GRAND Prize:

What's a 5 week challenge without a rockin' prize?! Those of you who check-in every Monday on my blog (more on that later) and complete the physical and spiritual component will be eligible for this awesome grand prize!

"Living and Active" Grand Prize Package! | peak313.com

And now to answer some questions that I'm sure you have!

Q: Is it too late to join?

No! We are just starting and as long as you make our first check-in (which is Monday, September 23) and requirements (see above) then you are good to go!

Q: Where do I sign up?

There is no official sign-up. You just need to make sure you come back to check-in, HOWEVER, I recommend that you subscribe to my blog so that you don't miss the weekly emails and if you are a blogger, you can link-up a post each week! (That will be at the bottom of each Monday post) And if you don't have a blog, but want to commit by typing out something, then just write a comment below the post saying, "I'm in!"

Q: Are there any facebook groups that I can join for accountability?

Yes there are but they are not being initiated by me! You can follow this facebook status to find some groups, or write a note on my facebook page or blog post and we can hopefully hook you up with a group! The best option would be to start your own. Don't be shy! (Check out this article for other commonly asked questions)

You may notice that this is our 2nd annual fall challenge. We did this last year and it went over SO WELL! I have so many encouraging stories from those who went through it during the 5 weeks. I am convinced that can be you too! What are you waiting for? Join a few hundred girls as we get ourselves healthy and whole from the inside out!

Press On!



P.S. For more fitness and health ideas, be sure to check out these posts!

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