Mama, Take Time To Dance
Opposites attracts, I hear. This is useful when it comes to raising three little kids six and under. I am the planner, the chef, the holiday organizer, and the one who makes sure everyone has clean clothes and doesn't fight too much. My husband John is the disciplinarian and fun dad. He always backs me up when the kids don't obey me . . . but he's also the one who gives the kids Superman rides on his back to the car. And he is the one who creates “parties” out of ordinary events.
Last night I heard him tell the kids that if they cleaned up all their toys we would have a dance party before bedtime. Three little bees buzzing around, snatching up every loose toy and depositing it in it's place in the course of five minutes . . . and then they proceeded to dance.
My husband is the DJ and the drummer. He puts in a music CD of kids' praise songs and then plays along on his djembe drum. Although I do love to dance, I have to admit I had other things planned for my evening—like putting away a huge basket of kids' laundry.
During the first song—and the second—I sorted little balled up socks and pajama pants and tucked them in the drawer. Then the thought hit me, “Five years from now, what am I going to remember more?” So I went downstairs and joined the dance.
We danced around, carefree and giggling for a while. Then my husband put on familiar praise songs. Since we led children's church for fifteen years we know the hand motions for most of these songs. The little ones tried to copy my hand motions. Their gazes were so intent as they tried to follow along. It's a memory I'll always cherish!
I'm thankful that opposites attract. Without me John would be running around buying way-too-expensive Christmas gifts on Christmas Eve. He'd have TV dinners for Thanksgiving. And he'd most likely eat Captain Crunch for supper at least a few nights a week.
And without John, I would forget to add laughter into our home. I'd check off my to-do list instead of heading to the park. I'd put away underwear in perfectly organized drawers instead of dancing.
Maybe you're like me and you've forgotten how much fun dancing can be. Maybe you're like me and have forgotten to be thankful about the unique differences of family members.
Today consider doing two things. First, write a note to someone in your family, telling that person how much you appreciate what he or she brings in your life. And second, put on your happy socks, stick in a praise CD, and gather your kids around to dance.
Tricia Goyer,
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