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More Than I've Asked Or Imagined

Ruth Simons Family

Ruth Simons Family

There are six rambunctious boys, two in diapers, sprawled all around me. Some of them are playing with LEGOS, while others are reading. It is rarely as quiet and peaceful it is at this very moment. There is never a shortage of bickering, hurt feelings, laughing, wrestling, and spilling of liquids at all times. Speaking of spills, a pile of laundry lies at my feet, ready to be sorted. My desk is a beautiful mess, full of little people drawings and creations that they've made out of paperclips and sticks...just for me.

Just to my right, the kitchen table is covered with watercolors, brushes, and stacks of paper. The boys and I are about ready to tackle some of my custom orders from the shoppe. Don't worry--they don't help with the custom orders--they just keep me company and learn a little painting skills along the way.

My husband, who is the headmaster of the Classical Christian school that he and I co-founded six years ago, is office-ing from home this summer. In our almost 16 years of marriage, we've both worked mostly in ministry roles (pastor, headmaster, collegiate ministry) and start-ups (church planting, blog/shop ownership, and school founding) where office hours are not always so clear and family and work commitments are constantly assessed and evaluated.

We are living a chaotic, wonderful, humbling life.

My story is filled with Christ achieving what I never knew to even hope for...

I never planned to be humbled and broken, convinced of my need for Christ. My checklist was full of good works and successful achievements until I realized I could never earn or be enough.

I never planned on having six children-- let alone six boys. My plan was to have a thrilling career in medicine until God turned my heart toward home.

I never planned on starting a school, or homeschooling part-time (through our school model.) Teaching was not my thing, and I was definitely too impatient to work with my own kids...until God used my kids to sanctify me day to day.

I never planned to pursue writing and painting. Those seemed like luxuries and superfluous gifts until He showed me that He wastes NOTHING.

I never planned to see the pursuit of writing and art turn into a thriving and fulfilling business. Early years of motherhood were so overwhelming I thought I'd never know any different until the Lord made my inability about His ability.

I never thought my messy life could be a fragrant offering to so many others. He does immeasurably more than we ask or imagine.

Ephesians 3:20

Ephesians 3:20

Friends, we each have a story, and mine is no different than yours if you are in Christ. Our Savior is all about redeeming that which is lost and making it HIS OWN. If there's anything to introduce about me, it's this: Every word, every painting, every encouragement that I could possibly share...have been bought by his precious blood-- not that I can be made much of, but that everything might be to his glory. I invite you to follow more of my journey at GraceLaced.

Because of grace,




This post is a part of our β€œWho We Are” Series. For all posts visit,

β€œWho We Are: The Stories Behind TBM Writers”

Who We Are at The Better Mom

Who We Are at The Better Mom

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