In so many ways, 2015 has been an epic year for our family!
My husband and I were granted a three month leave from our church ministry work, and this offered our crew time to enjoy some great adventures!
We took a 4,000 mile road trip.
We attended three family reunions, and I reconnected with my cousins after years of distance.
I wrote and journaled a lot more than usual. As a couple, we took several getaways.... and our family did much, much more.
This year also proved to be one full of self-discovery.
During my time of intentional sabbath and pause, those quieter rumblings of my soul found their way to the surface.
Sometimes, the discovery was welcomed and celebrated, and other times?
Not so much.
I saw in myself a woman still dealing with levels of fear and discontentment. A woman still needing to forgive that one situation which I definitely thought was done and over. Basically, a woman still struggling in various ways.
In the quieter moments, my soul cried out for a missing piece of something. Something wasn’t right.
Or rather, was it a missing PEACE?
Though it took some time, I came face to face (again) with my need for the continuing work of Christ in my life. I needed the Prince of Peace to reign completely and fully over all of me...not just pieces of me.
You too?
At Christmas we pause to reflect on Emmanuel, God with us.
Sisters, he is not simply here with us to BE.
He is also here with us to WORK in our lives, in our hearts and souls.
Today, this Christmas, should you find yourself struggling with questions, doubts, fears or something you can’t quite name yet...
...offer it fully to our Prince of Peace.
Respond to his invitation to bring ALL of who He is into all of who you are.
Let the peace of God begin IN you and I.
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