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A Mama's Guide to a Fit Summer: Tips on exercise, eating, & "space"

Well, well, well. Here we are in June. My kids have been out of school since the last week of May so I am definitely in the swing of summer break! There is no doubt that summer comes with mixed emotions–relief from the intense mornings, lunch packing, and homework, yet a bit of frustration trying to juggle everything you did in those hours they were gone! (Tack on fighting, boredom and an always messy house and it’s just GRRREAT!!)

Summer's new rhythm is upon us, and with it, new challenges to our time and space at home with our kids. How will you care for yourself in the midst? You need a plan, and we have one for you right here!

There are 3 areas in particular that are troublesome for a healthy mama to keep fit–and these areas are NO DIFFERENT than during the school year!




Isn’t it funny how life manifests itself a little differently depending on the season (literally!) of life?! I have found that there really is no “perfect” time or conditions to get and stay healthy. I’ve found this to be even more challenging when I became a parent and even as they’ve gotten older!

However, God hasn’t asked us to only take care of our bodies when it’s easy. He asks us to take care of the temples we have PERIOD. We must work THROUGH our challenges., work WITH our resources and EMBRACE the life God has given us!

(I understand that some of you have ZERO or minimal change from school year to summer because you home school, your kids are not school-age, or you work outside the home and continue to do so in the summer. So this series of posts may not be as helpful for you as other mamas who find themselves in my position: a stay at home mom or work at home (full or part), non-home schooling mama! But stay tuned because I think here will be some helpful tips all throughout for anyone!)

In this 3-part series, I'll give you tips in the areas of exercise, healthy eating, and "space" (mental and physical!) 

Click on each image to take you to the correct blog post on the topic! 


Overview: Do it early, split it up, do it together, and swap with another mama! More details (and a free 4 minute routine!) on the post!

Healthy Eating

Overview: Many challenges in this area: late night eating, ice cream (and more ice cream!), BBQ's & parties, long days where you don't want to cook, and vacation! Click on the image to get more tips on how I work through these roadblocks!

Space (Mental & Physical)

Overview: Creative ways to find "space" in your day including early mornings wake-ups, asking for help, bartering with someone and more! More details in the post!

I would love to hear from you! Do you struggle with any of these areas during the summer? If so, which ones? What tips or advice would you like to add? PLEASE feel free to share--I would love more ideas!!!



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