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Embracing the Changing Season

As our weather turns cool, part of me is tempted to fight the loss of summer. It seemed to have gone by so fast this year!

I will miss the opportunity to step outdoors at a moment's notice to breathe in the summer air; to step out from being cooped up and enjoy the wide open space in the warm sunshine and to relish in the long summer days.

But if I try to hold onto summer, I will miss what is right in front of me. Yes, the weather is cooling off, but this allows me the opportunity to serve delicious soup and cuddle up with a blanket in the evenings. 

It's not much different when we battle against changing seasons of motherhood. 

These seasons aren't simply children's ages and stages -- which certainly have their share of changes!

But the seasons can also include spiritual seasons of us as moms as well as working seasons.

Spiritual Seasons

We go through different seasons in our spiritual walks. Some seasons are dry and barren while others are saturated with growth and new life. Our spiritual lives will naturally flow into everything else. How we handle these seasons will determine how we handle everything in our lives because it permeates everything.

Lean into Him when you feel alone, unanswered, or forgotten. Don't withdraw because that's exactly what Satan wants. Instead, press harder and closer into Christ. Trust Him by reading His word and remembering His promises. 

Working/Ministry Seasons

Sometimes there are seasons when mom must work. Whether it's inside the home or outside the home, when you know God has a plan, even if it may not be what we want, trusting Him will help us ease into that season much easier. 

This is true of ministry as well. Sometimes God calls us into ministry while everyone else is saying we should be focused on just our homes and just our children. Sometimes that is not always the case. 

Involve your children if you can! 

When my husband and I began working in youth ministry, we had one baby. By the time we left youth ministry, we had 5 children. They were always a part of what we did and the teenagers loved on them. 

Restful Seasons

Maybe God is calling you to a season of rest. Maybe He wants you to pull out of some things and refocus in some areas. There ought to be no shame, condemnation, or guilt for these types of seasons. Unfortunately, they aren't always met by others with grace.

Listen Friends. If God is calling you out of ministry, work, or anything else, you have no one to answer to other than Him. He is your Ultimate Boss and no one should make you feel guilty for what God is calling you to.

If there is one thing I have learned, it's trying to embrace the seasons as they change. Rather then fighting them, make the most of them. 

Whatever season you find yourself shifting into, embrace it. God is still there and He is walking with you as you transition. Trust Him. Believe He has YOUR best interests at heart. 

For His Glory,
Christin Slade

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