I remember the fist time I saw our son. This little baby, who had been kicking and jostling inside of me for months, was now letting out his first cries as he entered the world.
His skin.
The little feet.
Barely a speck of hair on his head.
I am sure the whirlwind of emotions is similar for most moms – a flood of joy and excitement, mixed with a little fear and trepidation! The womb had been so safe, but now we were charged with raising him in a world that seems so scary.
I think this is why I love the story of Moses’ mom so much. A woman and mom not terribly different than me. The difference is she was living in a day when it was dangerous to bring a Hebrew baby into the world. She too was struck by what she saw when her eyes met Moses for the first time.
In Hebrews 11:23, we read, “By faith Moses’ parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king’s edict.”
While there is much that could be said about this story, what has always stuck out to me was that she and her husband saw that he was “no ordinary child.” God had wired him and gifted him for a purpose that was unique to Moses. And his parents had the vision to see it.
It is a great reminder isn’t it? In God’s eyes, do any of us really have an “ordinary child?” The psalmist reminds us that we are “fearfully and wonderfully” made. Shaped. Gifted. Created unique. Called for a purpose.
Moses’ parents were keenly aware of the miracle before them.
Just as God has given us unique gifts, He has created each of our children special. But the truth is seeing our child as the unique individual God made them to be can sometimes be lost on us in the midst of the chaos and busyness that mothering brings.
Directing our child towards their talents can be difficult. There are just soooo many things our children can be involved in. There is a lot of pressure from peers and culture to do everything. So how do we choose? How can we point them in the right direction?
1. Remember whose image they have been made in – Our children are made in the image of God. We want them to be like Jesus and not just like us. As moms, we need to be careful of trying to let our passions, gifts, and interests become our child’s. If they do, great! But if they don’t, that’s ok too. We want them to be who God wants them to be.
2. Give them time to explore – Developing and discerning our child’s gifts can take time. As we watch and listen to what interests them, what they excel at, and what seems to energize them, we are getting closer to who God made them to be. Give them opportunities to learn and try different things.
3. Help them connect their passions with a greater purpose – As our kids get older and we begin to see more clearly how God has wired them, help them to see how their gifts should connect to God’s Story. Encourage them not to just use their abilities for themselves, but ultimately for God’s glory. Raising our children with a kingdom perspective requires us as moms to encourage the fine-tuning of the gifts without letting them become an idol.
In God’s eyes, we’re all raising children who are not “ordinary.” God has created them, shaped them uniquely, and called them into a greater Story than just their own. As moms, we can help our kids discover what those gifts and abilities are, all the while trusting, that God is doing the work. Like Moses’ parents, we can hide them, hold them, teach them, and train them, but at some point, we too have to release them.
And when we do? We pray that it is for “no ordinary” purpose!
Have a girl and looking for a great resource to encourage them in their uniqueness?
As our children navigate their growing years, it is so important to remind them often of who God made them to be. This Brave Girls 90-day devotional is a great resource for girls as they learn that no matter what the world says, we are loved, precious and unique in God's eyes. Each devotion will include a relevant opening scripture from the Bible, a thought provoking devotion to build a young girl's spirit and an engaging closing prayer. Grab your copy HERE!
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