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Dear New Mom: 3 Things I Need You to Know

Dear New Mom: 3 Things I Need You to Know

Becoming a mother is one of the most intimate and exciting gifts that I have ever known. It is an honor when the Lord entrusts you to nurture and care for another precious human life that He has created. But the truth is, new mom, there are some things that you need to know and be reminded of in order to be sure that your heart and mind are in the right place to hear from the Lord.

Today I am going to share with you 3 things that I really need you to know. I believe that these three things will encourage you right where you are at.

Dear New Mom: 3 Things I Need You to Know

1. You are valued.

As a mom of three precious children ranging in age from 15 down to 8; I know how the enemy has tried to make me think and feel as if no one values me. From being alone because we made another military move to suffering from postpartum depression; I have been tempted to feel as if no one cared.

But I was wrong.

One night during a very intense and tear-filled prayer session, the Lord lead me to
Matthew 10:29-31 which tells us:

29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. 30 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

After reading this verse the Lord reminded me that I am not alone. And not only is He with me, but He values me. And the same is true for you, dear new mom. God values you and trusts you enough to shape a human life and be a mother to one of His very own children. What an honor it is!

2. Never, ever, compare yourself to other moms.

I know from experience just how easy it is to fall into the comparison trap. Whether you are looking at other moms and tempted to envy or judge; it is a slippery slope that leads to nowhere but heartache and despair. As I've heard many great leaders say: Don't compare your beginning to someone's middle nor end. You have to remember that we all have a unique path to follow and Jesus' should be our only guide, not someone else.

It is important to note, dear new mom, that God has created you specifically for your children. No other mom that has or ever will walk the face of this planet is better suited for your children than you are. Don't let the lies of thinking the "grass is greener" on the other side trick you into causing division between you and God - ultimately leading to division between you and your children.

When you are tempted to compare yourself to others, I encourage you to read this verse:

We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise. (2 Corinthians 10:12)

Always remember that the only standard we should compare ourselves to is that of Jesus Christ. He is the only thing that is certain to never change. And the beautiful thing is that He will love us right into the place that He has predestined us to be if we will only just allow Him to.

3. Don't Wish The Time Away

This is the absolute best advice I have ever been given as a mother. I've learned not to wish the time away because the truth is, new mom, that you will never get it back. I was tempted to wish that my sleepless nights would hurry and go away; but that would mean my babies would grow up way faster than they already were. I often found myself wishing that my babies were "out of diapers" or "walking" or "talking". The thing is - there will be a time when these things happen - but why would I want to take the time away from my baby to develop and grow? Why would I want to rush the process that God has called me to walk out with my precious baby?

I know you will get tired and things will get hard, new mom. But you need to remember that God has called you to one of the most noble and honorable positions in life: To be a mother. Know that you are valued and precious, dear new mom. Know that we applaud you for taking the hard but rewarding journey of motherhood. Know that Jesus loves you, and so do I, dear new mom. You can do this. You are doing this. And He is faithful to be with you until the end of time!

Encouraging you in Christ,

Carlie Kercheval

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