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How to Find Rest through FOCUS

How to Find Rest through FOCUS

Do you long for rest, but put it off until everything on your list has been checked? All of the things not yet done become the tyranny of the urgent and rob us of rest. Let's learn how to steward well all that God has given us, and also restore our …

Okay, momma, tell me how are you really doing today?

Are you overwhelmed? Overworked? Feeling overlooked?

Balancing the responsibilities of motherhood is like carrying out the tasks most CEOs delegate to hundreds of employees.

Compounding the pressure we feel is this pure longing to perfectly manage our households and nurture our families well for the glory of God. It’s a good mission! Right? And yet the pursuit of it can make us crazy busy instead of enjoying the journey of motherhood — a journey that should include soul-filling and body-refueling rest.

Have you noticed how it's hard to embrace rest when all we can see it what’s left undone?

Like that load of laundry that went through the washer twice last week because I kept forgetting to move it over. Or the living room hardwoods desperately in need of a mopping, thanks to the dog’s drool. How about the table next to my chair piled up with medical bills awaiting payment, along with a note to write to my Compassion child, and an RSVP for my son’s classmate’s birthday party. 

Do you long for rest, but put it off until everything on your list has been checked? All of the things not yet done become the tyranny of the urgent and rob us of rest. Let's learn how to steward well all that God has given us, and also restore our …

The "not yet done" becomes the tyranny of the urgent that robs us of rest.

We never seem to notice what we’ve accomplished in our “never enough” mindset. Is that because our self-worth and sense of value is wrapped up in our accomplishments? I wonder, is this the enemy’s tactic to not only steal our joy but also derail us from focusing on what matters most — serving God with our whole heart, no matter what our responsibilities shape up to be on on any given day and doing so without feeling like we have to burn the midnight oil.

So how do we do find the balance between stewardship of the relationships and responsibilities He's given us while learning how to hit pause for rest? 

Well, I think it starts with mindset, as we adjust our expectation and move our FOCUS in a new direction. That shift is subtly, but intentional and comes through honest reflection with the Lord. So how about pausing now to talk with the Lord about His expectations for you?

Take a FOCUS Check-In with the Lord

F    Family        

Lord, am I serving my family through meeting their emotional, physical, and spiritual needs for your glory (Colossians 3:22)? How would You like me to go about this differently? What am I doing well? What needs training? Discipline? Support? Lord, please show me Your priorities for my family.

O    Overflow

Lord, am I taking care of my body, mind, and soul in such a way that I’m a filled up by You so that I can overflow onto others what you’ve already poured into me (Romans 15:13)? Lord, do I need to make time to sleep longer and better? Do I need to focus on a health plan that works for me (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)? Do I need to get deeper into your Word on a daily basis? 

C    Connecting     

Lord, am I taking time to connect and cultivate life-giving relationships with my sisters-in-Christ? Am I moving out of my comfort zone to connect with the body of Christ in a way that allows them to serve me and also in a way that I can serve them (1 Corinthians 12)? Am I reaching beyond to share the Gospel with those you’ve put in my life?

U    Unfolding    

Lord, am I living in your unfolding grace (2 Corinthians 4:16-18 MSG), letting go of all the expectations I put upon myself and perceive that others put upon me as I allow your power be made perfect in my weakness?

S     Sabbath

Lord, will you show me how to take a Sabbath rest and trust you will all my needs (Hebrews 4:9)? Show me when I should pause, wait, and lean into your provisions. Show me how to hold back from all my doing and rest in just being yours. 

God’s knows the myriad of responsibilities on our plates. He knows the intricacies of all the relationships that fill our lives. He doesn’t expect to function without rest — but finding that rest takes FOCUS as we approach our relationships and responsibilities from a place of being filled up by Him first so that we can join Him in His work (Ephesians 2:10 MSG).

Resting In Him,



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