Exciting News! {would LOVE your help!}
I'm so excited to officially announce my next book, written with my husband Patrick, called For Better or For Kids: A Vow to Love Your Spouse with Kids in the House.
You'll be hearing a lot more about it in the coming weeks and months, but I wanted to begin the conversation now. Why? Because starting today, we are building a Street Team to help us get the word out about the book!! And… I would LOVE for you to join us!
For Better or For Kids is a book packed full of our personal stories of marriage and parenting over the last 18 years. The truth is the transition from “married” to “married with children” can be tough. We have less alone time. Busier schedules. Tighter budgets. As much as you love your children and work hard to nurture and train them for the future, the challenges that come with parenthood can make the “for better or for worse” promise a hard one to honor.
For Better or For Kids is about remembering that children may join you in marriage, but they don’t have to come between you in marriage! We can make a vow to love our spouse with kids in the house.
For Better or For Kids will enable couples to:
• Build a God-centered marriage instead of a Child-centered or Me-centered marriage
• Avoid the dangers of spouse-neglect and self-neglect
• Effectively communicate in the chaos
• Explore ways to parent together as one team
• Find balance in the busyness
As a part of the Street Team, you are not only helping us get the word out about our book, but you are also playing a part in helping couples build a God-honoring marriage! I'm sure you have questions about the Street Team, so here's my best attempt to answer them...
1. Why should I join the Street Team?
Members of the street team will receive a free PDF copy of the book before anyone else to read and enjoy. You'll get the book in early June as a digital download, over a month before it goes on sale! You'll also be eligible for some other fun perks we'll be announcing down the road.
2. What are the expectations of Street Team members?
If you love the book, we'll be asking you to share a positive Amazon review and consider buying the paperback during launch week
3. Do I have to have kids to be on the For Better or For Kids Street Team?
Of course not! While the book is written for parents, it's also written for aunts, uncles, and future parents as well.
All we're asking of folks who join the Street Team is three things:
1) Read the pre-release copy of the book before the launch date.
2) Leave a positive review on Amazon during launch week.
3) Consider purchasing a paperback copy of the book during launch week.
That's it!
Oh, and one other thing. We're limiting this Street Team to 500 people, so if you want to get your free copy of the book first, make sure you sign up as soon as you can. Once we've filled the team, we'll close registration.
To sign up for your free pre-release download of For Better or For Kids as a part of the Street Team, just give us your name and email address, so we know where to send it!
You'll get a welcome email confirming that you are on the team (if you sign up before it fills up), and in a few weeks I'll be sending you a copy of the book.
We are so excited about this book and we can't wait to tell you more about it! Thank you soooo much for joining us!
Many Blessings,
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