Building Wisely With Our Words
A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her hands. Prov. 14:1
My dad is a builder. When I was growing up, he was always building or rebuilding something- a roof, a new room, a deck, or flooring. He was (and still is) very good at it. He has skill for taking raw materials and transforming them into something useful and beautiful.
As wise women we are to build while the foolish tear down. We don't build with brick and mortar; we build with our words. Our words build others up and build meaningful, intimate relationships.
Our homes become a safe place-like a little sanctuary carved out from the noise, stress, chaos, and busyness of life. We build our homes into places where we invite friends in to be known and to know us. And it's with our words that our homes and relationships become a refuge.
The Bible teaches us that our words can be a tool for either life or death: with our words we'll either build our relationships or break them.
Do you have those friends who make you feel like someone has breathed fresh life into you when you are with them? Being with them is to be refreshed. Your presence together brings renewal. A friend who takes the time to offer life-giving words is a real treasure.
When we take the time to invest in deep, meaningful conversation, we build intimacy, trust, and comfort in our relationships. When we encourage one another with our words, we become great sources of joy and strength.
God has not called us to demolition work; He's called us to building! Let our words be like tools in the hands of a skilled carpenter. With God's help, let's build something beautiful, intimate, and renewing in our relationships using our words.
Father, may I remember the words You have spoken over me in Christ: I am loved, accepted, and treasured. May Your words surround me like a shield. Help me build my home and my relationships with words that bring life. In Jesus' name, Amen.
~ How can you do a better job building up others using your words?
~ How can you be more intentional to build friendships that are meaningful and intimate?
The devotion above is from my devotional with Karen Ehman, Pressing Pause: 100 Quiet Moments for Moms to Meet With Jesus.
These 100 encouraging devotions for moms will help you begin each day with scripture, drawing on God's power, ingesting His Word, and learning practical ways to love and serve more like His son.
And oh my word...this book.. it is BEAUTIFUL. Hardcover. Journaling space after each devotion. Silky little bookmark to keep your place (LOVE it!). Just gorgeous.
Pressing Pause is available here:
I pray Pressing Pause is a blessing not only to you, but to your family as you take that much needed time to yourself to refuel so the best of who you are can pour out to them.
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