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Change Your Child's Attitude in 5 Minutes or Less

Change Your Child's Attitude in 5 Minutes or Less

We all witness it. Whether it’s a sharp “No!” from a two-year-old when someone dares sneak a Cheerio, the huff of a first-grader when asked to help out, or the infamous eye roll of a pre-teen when, well, pretty much anything … time and again, we see our children's natural selfish tendencies on display, usually when we are trying to impress others with our stellar parenting skills!

I regularly pray for creative parenting. As a result, I come up with some quirky stuff (e.g. See my post  Pick Your Banana). Oftentimes, the Lord gives me little sayings and positive affirmations from His Word. I then pass these onto my kiddos. These catchy phrases help us to be constantly renewed in our minds. (Eph. 4:23)

If you are like me, you need these just as much as the kids. I encourage you to adopt these phrases in your home. Say them often, and watch as the power of His Word transforms your family from the inside out.


  • No matter how I feel I can choose to make the right decision.

I always tell my kids, “You cannot choose your feelings, but you can choose what you do with them.” We are responsible for our actions. It is our job to take every thought captive, and make it obey Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5)

  •  I can do whatever I need to do because Jesus gives me strength.

God will never ask us to do anything He will not give us the ability to do and do well with His help. (Philippians 4:13; 1 Peter 1:3)

  • My day will only be as good as my attitude.

We can choose! God says, “I set before you life and death. Choose life.” (Deuteronomy 30:19) I cannot emphasize enough the importance of helping our kids understand that they can choose their attitudes, their thoughts, their actions and their words. We cannot choose the feelings that pop into our minds, but we can choose what we do with them. Give your kids the power of choice. They already have it. Let them know that the Lord has given it to them and that they must begin to use it. (Philippians 4:8; Colossians 3:2)

  • I look for ways to make others feel loved and special.

I often tell the kids (and myself), “You take care of others. God will take care of you.” This is a great way to teach our kids to put others first and to share God’s love everywhere they go. This is especially good for those who are shy or become anxious in new environments. Let them know that God has given them a very special job. They are on a mission for Him everywhere they go. This will help them take their thoughts off themselves and focus on making others feel great. And of course, in doing so they themselves will begin to feel better. (Hebrews 10:24)

  • God gives me the power to keep myself calm.

Especially good for our beautifully hormonal young daughters ... and their frazzled mamas! I was using this one daily for myself when suddenly I noticed my then six-year-old needed this as much as I did! (Psalm 94:12-13; 18-19)

  • You don't have to be the best, but you do have to do your best.

I often tell the kids, whether in sports, school, or any other endeavor, “I would rather see you mess up and keep a good attitude than for you to never mess up at all.” Anyone can keep a good attitude when you win. Real winners keep a good attitude when they lose. And we must remember, everything we do we do for God, so we should always be doing our best. (Colossians 3:23; Ecclesiastes 9:10)


Sisters, I pray you got value from this. I encourage you to write out the coordinating verses and place them strategically around your home where they will be seen often. Commit them to memory. Hide them in your heart. Know that His Word which He sends out will not return void! (Isaiah 55:11)


Jenny Zentz

Jenny is a stay-at-home mom with two amazing kids, a wonderful husband and an awesome God who keeps it all together. Her mission is to help women discover practical ways to apply the power of God's Word to their everyday stuff! She blogs weekly at www.JennyZentz.com, speaks as much as possible, leads Bible studies, rehabs furniture when she can find the time and constantly find herself volunteering at the schools and baseball fields more than she probably should! You can find her on Facebook @JennyZentz.


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