Hi, friend!

Hi friend! I am so glad you have stopped by the site. We have such a wonderful community of moms here and we would LOVE for you to join us as we share life and learn together!

Open Call for Contributors

We are so thankful for our contributor team who writes to inspire moms to be better by becoming more like Jesus.

I am thrilled to let you know that I have a handful of open contributor spots to add to our team on a monthly or bi-monthly schedule. If you are interested in being a part of this awesome community and ministry by writing for The Better Mom, I’d love for you to submit an article to be considered.

Here are the details!

If selected as a Contributor I ask that you commit to:

  • Submitting blog posts onto our Squarespace platform by the 15th of each month prior to the month your post is scheduled. (a quick and easy tutorial is provided for Squarespace)

  • Sharing your post on your own blog (excerpt only) and social media the day it goes live on The Better Mom, as well as respond to reader comments that day.

  • Understanding that posts published at TheBetterMom.com cannot be re-published elsewhere without crediting The Better Mom.

If you are interested in becoming a regular Contributor for The Better Mom, please submit your article, following the guidelines below by Saturday, December 22nd, 2018.

The Better Mom Contributor Submission Guidelines

For your convenience, you can also download these Guidelines as a PDF here which also includes helpful tips for creating a strong blog post and a Submission Checklist to be sure you have included everything. Please read it carefully before submitting your post.

Only submissions sent to The Better Mom assistant at tbmassistant2@gmail.com will be considered.

Submissions should be complete posts between 500-700 words in length. Please include a Statement of Faith with your submission. Include your bio and photograph with your submission. You may include a link to your blog (if applicable) and any other social media channels.

You will receive confirmation that your submission was received. Contributors will be selected and notified by January 5th, 2019.

We are sorry, but due to the volume of submissions received, we cannot give specific feedback on submissions that are not accepted.

Looking forward to reading your posts!

Many blessings,


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