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Are we gathering around the truth tellers?

Are we gathering around the truth tellers?

It's fairly easy to find someone in our lives to justify our human actions, but human approval does not make things right. By surrounding ourselves with "truth tellers" who point us toward Jesus, we are able to live our lives for God instead of the flesh.

One evening, a frustrated friend called me for advice. She had been treated unfairly by an individual too many times and had developed a clever way to pay them back. Hurt-for-hurt was her initial, and many would admit, typical response. The dilemma was whether she should carry out her plan or not.

“Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.” Romans 12:19

God wants us to allow Him to settle the score on our behalf – according to His purpose. Stepping back and trusting God may not feel quite as satisfying at first but later, we will reap the rewards of our obedience.

After asking a few questions about how her friend would respond if she retaliated and agreeing it would only cause further hurt to an already broken relationship, she admitted, “I knew you were going to say that.” Before adding, “I was going to call Lily* but called you instead.” (*Lily is not her real name).

“Lily would have supported your plan,” I replied.

“I know,” she admitted.

Thrilled, I praised her for making a wise choice. Her decision to obey God was made, not during our discussion, but when she chose to call a truth teller.

What is a truth teller?

“For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” 2 Timothy 4:3

At this time, we are able to find someone to justify almost any act the human mind can dream up. Let’s think about it.

Not that long ago, we could own another human being because of their skin color. Voting eligibility was determined by gender. Children were removed from their homes and forced into residential schools because of their ethnicity.

Human approval does not make it right.

Much of what culture says we can do is in direct opposition to what God desires for us. How do we know the truth?

“Jesus answered, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” John 14:6

Point people to Jesus and the truth that is found in the Word of God.

What if, when we feel wronged (after reading an unkind email or comment) we rejected those first few minutes of fleshly response? Then took it to our heavenly Father in prayer to see what He would have us do. As we put this into practice, we’ll realize that so often His answer will conflict with what we want to say or do (really hoping it’s not just me)!

But doesn’t this make perfect sense since self-control is the fruit of the Spirit at work in our life?

A godly response allows others to see the difference God makes.

“The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." Exodus 14:14

This verse is given when the Israelites are fleeing Egypt. On one side, the enemy army closes in while on the other there is an endless expanse of water, with no ark in sight! A seemingly impossible situation from the ground.

But God is our forerunner and way maker. Nothing is impossible for Him and we need only be. Still.

Because then we will KNOW it is all Him.

Let’s pray for God to give us the courage to be truth tellers with our families, our friends, and beyond but also for discernment when we’re the one who needs to make the call.

Remember God sees you and knows you by name. He is intimately aware of the circumstances you are facing and even as you read this, He is making a way for you; you need only be still.

Blessings to you sweet sister,


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Mothering With The Word Of God

Mothering With The Word Of God

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