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Re-Awaken Your Dreams, Mom

Re-Awaken Your Dreams, Mom

What dreams did you have as a child? Did you want to be an astronaut? A doctor? A marine biologist? While some of those dreams may have been inspired by popular movies (hello Free Willy!), we can look back at our childhood to discover some of our hidden talents and design. Have you ever considered these questions: Who did God design you to be? How well are you living that design? Is it time to reawaken God’s dreams for you?

Let’s start by considering what you enjoyed during your earliest years. Who were you like as a child? What did you like to do? I was a library nerd. In fact, I discovered going to the library could be dangerous. Once I had checked out so many books at the library that I crashed because the books on my handlebars were so heavy!

Think back to when you were between the ages of 10 and 12. What did you love doing? What brought you true joy?

Here are some things I loved:

Drawing. I loved drawing. specifically drawing and naming my future family. I wanted eight kids: two boys and six girls. (God gave me three boys and seven girls!)

Watching other families. I remember one moment when I saw a large family at the beach playing together. There were kids in twenties down to toddlers. I was drawn to their joy and relationship.

Reading. I loved going to the library and reading piles of books. Especially drawn to Little House on the Prairie books and books on Helen Keller.

Spending time at my grandparents house. One of my favorite things was sitting next to my grandpa and watching Lawrence Welk. Seeing my grandma cooking delicious food. Enjoying meals around the dinner table with the television off. Enjoying their organized and peaceful house.

Being at church and feeling part of the church body. I love feeling like the older people at church were my extended family. I loved how my Sunday School teacher cared about me.

The funny thing is that when I took the time to think about what I loved, I realized the things I was drawn to then are things I love now. I write books. I have a large family. My grandma lives with me, and I love serving I church.

Also, 2020 re-awakening my love for art and cooking. Painting and drawing is relaxing and gives me a chance to breathe. I also love keeping a comfortable home and trying new recipes. True joy is found when my family is sitting around the dinner table. I love family time, togetherness, and seeing all ages interact.

I’ve realized over time that focusing on the things that brought me joy from my earliest ages is what brings me joy now because that’s part of who God made me to be. What about you? Are you living who God designed us to be? If not, here are so ways to do that.

1. Delight in your design.

Too often we look at what we’re NOT, and we forget to focus on who we ARE. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago,” (NLT).

And Psalm 100:3 says, “Acknowledge that the LORD is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture,” (NLT).

Look at this we see that God’s will for our lives is living out the person He designed you to be.

2. Nix the lies that hold us back.

Lies such as, “I’m not smart enough,” or “I don’t have enough time to focus on things I like.” We may have made mistakes and believe we aren’t allowed to try again. We may believe that God has dreams of everyone else, except us.

What lies have held you back from who God designed you to be? It’s time to reawaken your heart. Take time to write down lies, and then combate them with God’s truth. Don’t listen to the negative thoughts that hold you back.

3. Depend on God.

If God designed you for a purpose, then know He is there to help. Job 33:4 says, “For the Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” Just as God gave you life, He will breathe His inspiration into you.

Today you can fulfill God’s will when you dare to become the person God made you to be. Turn your heart to God and place yourself in His hands. Ask Him to reawaken your heart to the things He put there. Place your design into His hands, and ask Him to guide His steps. He will be faithful to do it!

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