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Her arms swung around me, clutching my neck. Leaning in close, almost nose to nose she declared, “You’re the best mommy in the whole world!” My heart melted like it usually does when she makes such statements. What mom doesn’t love to hear her child declare such love?! I breathed a deep sigh and whispered, “Mom loves you sooooo much!” “Me love you too.” she hoarsely whispered back.

I have these exchanges quite often with my children. But this particular time, I had something else going on inside of me as my daughter was so boldly declaring her devotion. What she didn’t know is that deep down I wasn’t feeling like “the best mommy in the whole world”. 

Much like you, I have deep desires for my two girls. I yearn for them to experience WHO I know vs WHAT I know. I have noticed my children learn so much quicker through laughter (experiences) over lectures.

As we rush around town and pick up gifts and head to the next party, here are 5 things I want my girls to experience this upcoming holiday season.  Try some with me!

At our family reunion this summer, we talked the grandmas into trying out the kayaks. Donning a life jacket, Grandma Bena climbed in, and we handed her a paddle. She dug the paddle into the water on both sides. What am I doing wrong? she said. I’m not going anywhere.

Paddle harder, we said.

She paddled harder.

She was growing frustrated, while all the rest of us started laughing. Her daughter was holding onto the back of the kayak. No matter how hard Bena paddled, she wasn’t going to get anywhere.

This is how parenting can be in the empty nest years.

My middle baby snuggled onto my lap, his head was resting against my heart. I closed my eyes and thought of how I wish the moment could last longer than five minutes. I felt his little fingers secure around my hips. Every few minutes he would look up at me to make sure it was still me that was holding him.

I thought about how much work my children are. In the moments of  squeeling tantrums, stubborn fits, and the sound of a rebelious "No!", somehow I learn to love my children deeper.

Every year as we pull out the decorations and recipes and ornaments, we also rediscover our favorite Christmas books! Most of these books are missing their dust jackets, the edges are worn, hot chocolate drops can be found on certain pages and some of them are even from my own childhood. But reading books together at Christmas is one of my very favorite traditions! Here are a few of our favorites...