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Resolving Conflict...For Life

Maybe it’s just my house, but 2015 has started with quite a bit more conflict than I would like to admit. Conflict between adults, conflict between siblings, conflict between parents and children. I’ve had ample opportunity to consider what is truly happening when we, in family, fight. 

When my kids argue, I tend to draw the quickest line from bickering to judicial resolution. I’m quick to call order with the gavel, and solve the issue with a definitive redistribution of toys, separation of offenders, and a call to cease and desist. Everyone has an explanation for why there’s conflict, and the reason is never themselves. 

Have you ever noticed: When we ask our kids what the problem is, in the midst of conflict, no one ever says, “The problem in this situation is my selfish pride.” It’s not so different from conflict between parents either. After all, my kids are learning how to handle conflict by watching me.

I am one of the busiest moms I know. I write three to four books a year, blog, homeschool, and lead a teen moms' support group. Oh yes, and I'm working with an amazing production company that's making huge progress in having one of my book series turned into a TV series! (I know; it blows me away too!)

Sometimes I can't believe this is my life. I'm a former teenager mother. I have no college degree. I live in Arkansas, not Hollywood, Chicago, or New York. Yet all I do and have goes back to one thing: realizing God's designed purpose for my life . . . and having the faith to run with it.

My daughter just received two Grammy nominations. I'm as thrilled as any mother would be, but honestly, I'm not surprised at all. I'm not surprised because from the time she was little I knew my daughter was on this earth for a reason and with a divine purpose. She was here, not randomly or by chance, but to change the world.

Your child is here to change the world too!