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3 Ways To Love A Growing Tween

I am not exactly sure when it happened, but one day I woke up and realized that my oldest daughter and I were now standing eye to eye. I will admit that I realized it was bound to happen soon, being that I only stand right at five feet tall!

This new vantage point feels strange.  However, it is just the evidence of what I already knew to be true.

She is growing. 

There are a million parenting choices, lifestyle choices, and personal convictions that can be used to create division among moms. Virtually every decision one could make can become a point of contention.

How you choose to engage October 31st in your home is your choice, but even so it can become a point of argument between couples and friends and it shouldn’t be.

I think we’d all agree that the practical responsibilities of parenting are hard work, but what I find infinitely harder than the day in and day out things that are required of me is being the kind of parent I desire to be. Having a loving, kind, patient, joyful and thankful heart in the big and small stuff — now that’s the real challenge!

Take the other day, for instance. It was a very difficult day at the end of an awful, terrible, no good, very bad week. While I was driving in the car on this particularly trying morning, an “unnamed child” was yelling at me from the back seat because his pants weren’t tight enough, his shoelaces weren’t tied correctly, his shirtsleeves were too long, and the sky was too blue.

Gripping the steering wheel tightly while using up every last ounce of self-control left in my body, I begged, “Lord, you have got to change my son’s heart!”

“Lord, help me love my children as you love them.”

This is a prayer I’ve been praying since I became a mother eleven years ago.

But honestly, it wasn’t until just a few years ago that I actually began wrestling with what it would actually look like for me to really love my children as Christ has first loved them.

And what God slowly began to show me is that my ability to love my children as Jesus loves them is profoundly influenced by my own understanding and acceptance of how Jesus loves me!