All in Prayer

Praying For Your Kids' Friends

Do you pray for the people your children spend time with? While most of us pray regularly for our own children, it might not occur to us to pray for their friends! The influence of our intercession can have an eternal impact on children outside of our family for generations. Join us today as we learn how to love on the children our own kids treasure so much through prayer!

Praying for Your Child in Life’s Margin

As moms, it sometimes feels like time is slipping away- that our children are growing so fast, and we begin to question whether we’ve trained and taught them all they need to know. Take time back, mama! Catch it, gather it in the margins of your days, and learn how to spend it in the most important way possible today...

3 Family Prayers for the New Year

Goals, mission statements, resolutions- these are the buzzwords if January. As wonderful as they all are, perhaps what your family needs this year is God’s word breathed fresh, his truth laid out before you. These prayers, taken from scripture are a perfect way to set your pace for 2019 and seek God together...

A Prayer for Mothering in the New Year

As we enter the #NewYear, it is time for a fresh start. It’s that season where we often reflect and refocus. During a time of the year when people resolve to lose weight, spend less, stop eating chocolate, and get out of bed earlier, what about resolving to be a different kind of mom this year? Not a perfect #mom, but a better mom. By God’s grace, a mom who is recommitted to the role God has called you to.

#Motherhood is not easy. So as we start a new year, how about we start with seeking God’s help.

Join me on the blog as I share a #prayer for mothering in the new year.