Welcome to The Better Mom Whole Food Meal Plan.

Our free bi-weekly GF menus open into a convenient pdf that includes links to each of the gluten-free recipes featured making it easy to access them with just a simple click.

Once you click on the graphics below, you can easily save these gluten-free menus to your desktop for easy access anytime you need them.

Then, simply click on the links within the meal plan pdf to gain instant access to the gluten-free recipes.

New format! We've streamlined our weekly meal plans to focus more on our gluten-free, grain-free family-friendly dinner menu, while still providing several recommendations for healthy breakfasts and lunches too.

t may be the most wonderful time of the year but if we're not intentional, it can quickly morph into the craziest, busiest and most stressful season of all. My antidote? The K.I.S.S. Principle.  What's the K.I.S.S Principle? An easy acronym meaning this:

Keep It Simple Sister.

This time of year less really is more. Less stress, less commercialism, less money spent, and fewer expectations equals more time with family, more chance to appreciate the wonder of the season, more peace of mind and enjoyment of all this beautiful season has to offer.

If I knew that slowing down to say hello to a fellow mom could land me in such a pool of mommy guilt, I would have kept on going. She started off the conversation with a rather innocent question, but before I knew what happening, one of my comments opened up a door to an accusation I never saw coming . . . and that triggered an onslaught of mommy guilt.  I nodded along with a smile on my face, but but on the inside, I was on the brink of tears and feeling like a failure as a mom.  

Guilt has the power wreck us, but God’s grace always has the upper hand when we yield to His truth. {click to tweet}

I pressed on with the details of the evening, feeling icky and wishing I could go home. All I wanted to do was talk to my husband, and yet looking back, I’m so glad that was not an option. Instead, I ended up emptying my heart before the Lord each time the emotions rose up inside of me.

How to Keep the Joy in Your Christmas This Year

Stick to your priorities. Jettison everything else. I love this one because it makes everything so much easier. Once I know what is important to us - to our family - then everything else gets a polite, "No thank you." You are not obligated to attend every craft bazaar, cookie exchange, or Christmas play. You are only committed to what is best for your family.

Reject all commercialism. It has no place in your home. Block advertisements, mute the television,  and throw out the garbage coming at you. Pay zero attention to the world's attempt at redefining Christmas. They've got it all wrong. Stick to the Real Story of Christ.

Just a couple of weeks ago I shared the incredible new online service called ePantry with you. Well today I am so so soooooo excited to share that I am partnering with ePantry again, but this time to GIVE. Give? Yes to give!! Let me explain. Through The Better Mom, ePantry is giving $15 for every new customer order to an incredible ministry that I have shared with you in the past called Mercy House Kenya. The Mercy House exists to raise funds to provide alternative options for pregnant girls living in the streets of Kenya. The Mercy House aids them in education, nutrition, housing, prenatal care, Bible study, counseling and job skills for sustainable living. I would love for you to join me in supporting this incredible ministry!

I'd like to think I'm an expert pray-er. I can clearly see how my prayers changed things. For example, I have three little kids—not birthed from me—running around my house who are examples of that. Yet the way that my prayers changed the future is different than you think.

God is not a genie in a bottle. My prayers weren't effective because I figured out the right words to make God do what I want to do. I used to think that. As a young Christian I'd try all sorts of things:

  • praying in the morning
  • praying at night
  • praying on my knees
  • praying out loud
  • journaling my prayers

I wouldn't admit it out loud, but I believed deep down if I said the right things, at the right time, in the right way, that God could be swayed.