Finding a good fiction series for your teenager can be difficult. There are so many options out there, but very few that weave compelling content with deep meaning. I was so excited to recently find a newer series that did just this!

The Jack Staples series by Mark Batterson and Joel N. Clark is fantastic! My son Tyler read the first book in the series and was begging for more! He has now read the first two and can hardly wait for the third which releases in June 2015. 

Marriage is hard but it doesn't have to be impossible. 

A few years ago, we moved into a quaint and modest three-bedroom brick house. Built in the 1920s, it’s a beautiful home for its age, but it also has its bumps and bruises. Like anything, time takes its toll. But it has, and still, endures.

If you have ever bought anything new, you know it doesn’t take long to develop cracks, rust, dents, dings, and a long list of other imperfections. Whatever is new eventually starts to fall apart.

Marriage is no exception.

Throughout my life one of the things I’ve struggle with most is embracing the season I am currently in. As a little girl, I remember dreaming of the day I would be in high school, and then in my youth, I dreamed of my wedding day. As I reflect on my life, one thing has been true of me at every stage. I always wanted to be in the season ahead of where I was.

One of my favorite quotes is:

“Wherever you are, be all there! Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.” Jim Elliot

Help is finally here for us...{I hope you LOVE it!}

When I was a little girl, I dreamed of getting married, becoming a mom, and having a house with a perfect little front porch. I was just sure my husband and I would spend our days swinging on the front porch swing and drinking unsweetened iced tea, while the kids played in the green yard lined with a white picket fence.
I dreamed of a place that was peaceful and put together. A happy, cozy home.
And then real life happened