Last month, I confessed how the last decade of my life has been marked by fear and yet thanks to an adventuresome opportunity at family camp, I recognized how living in fear was stealing joy from my life . . . and from my children. {Read that post here.} That “big swing” moment marked off a life once lived in fear, and I’m in awe at how God has invited me to walk in brave faith ever since.

With three boys who are only five years apart, a friendly game of putt-putt can quickly get the competitive ( and unfriendly) juices flowing.

We'd only made it to the third hole on the miniature-golf course when one of my boys got a hole in one.  He squealed with excitement!  

But his joy was short-lived with his brother's harsh words -  “That was such an easy hole. You just got lucky.  I'm so much better than you at this game.”

It had been raining for a week and the kids were going a wee bit crazy. Arguments and bickering were on the rise, with mom and dad's patience on the decline.

One particular Sunday afternoon I found myself with two distinct choices:

Hi sweet moms!

So, summer is coming, and with it, all the ideals of this mama who wants to make this summer the best one yet. I always feel the pressure to give my kids amazing memories of days by the pool, back yard fun, beach combing and an epic vacation. . . you know, nothing major but just all their dreams come true. The thing is though, When I ask my kids what they want to do with the lazy days ahead, they just want the simple stuff. The ice cream cones and firefly catching and lazy days where sometimes dinner is only a pop tart and a run through the sprinklers counts as bath time. They just want a family that is happy to be together. 

In recent years, one way we have added a little structure to care free days and enjoyed the simplicity of the season is with Nature Study.

While I jokingly refer to my bangs as my "natural botox," the truth is I am borderline obsessed (in a totally healthy way, I promise) with finding as many options for "natural botox" as I possibly can when it comes to skin care products. The more I research, the more excited I get, and the more my vanity of goodies grows. 

Dear Husband,

I want to be her. The woman you deserve. The one who greets you at the door with a smile and a hug and who thanks you for working hard and who offers you a plate of cookies. Who's got supper in the oven and the kids playing nicely and the house clean and tidy. Who asks you about your day, helps you with your coat and listens intently to everything you say. Because you deserve that.