She mentioned that he still likes to sleep on the floor of their bedroom.

And it wasn't all that big of a deal, but perhaps I was a bit surprised.

It's just that he had his own room and he was an older boy now.

But what do I know?

It really wasn't until she told my the why, that I grew concerned.

He's afraid to sleep alone. Just like me. 

Recently, in the deluge of headlines, national news, international crises, and history making events, anyone navigating the internet may have found it to be exceptionally noisy place.

As grateful as I am for the access we currently have to information, the latest commentary, and debates held in the public forum, I’m wondering if all this easily obtained information has done us a disservice.

I’m not sure that more information has made us better thinkers. 

4 Ways to Slow Your Family’s Summer Pace

Picnics, baseball games, swimming, parks and more; this is what summers are made for! How do you fit it all in? And the bigger question right now: How do you slow it all down when your kids just want to keep going nonstop?

The relaxed summers I remember as a child are the ones I often dream of for my own family. We are blessed to live in an area where there are all different types of summer opportunities, but with six children and activities for all ages and stages, even with the best planning, I find that the pace can escalate to a speed that we don’t enjoy.

Ah, summertime. The days are long, school is out, and you can finally breathe deep, relax and enjoy some good, quality family time.

When my is-the-school-year-over-yet? twitches begin in May, I can hardly wait for the lackadaisical days and lazy evenings of summer. I envision my family, serene and relaxed, laying around in the sun, sipping lemonade and making fun memories.

Only...summer always ends up being just a little....different...from how I envision it. I've discovered there are several ways to recognize when you, as a mom, have reached your Summer Magic Saturation Point.

As we have learned over the last six weeks, our words are powerful and they have consequences. We have struggled with our words for ages so that is nothing new. The real question is: Will we ever do anything about them? Will we change?

We can talk about our words and how they impact those around us, but reading and discussing isn’t enough. We must intentionally seek life change. If you are just joining us, here are the previous posts in this book club series: