“You deserve a longer letter than this; but it is my unhappy fate seldom to treat people so well as they deserve.” - Jane Austen

I've always had a charming scene in my mind where I envision my days at a beautiful old- fashioned secretary, sunlight glowing through the windows, billowy sheer curtains flowing in the breeze. I'd sit and write, sharing ideas and scripture and anecdotes about life with all the friends we've met living and traveling all over the globe. The environment where I write and read is vastly different than that of my imagination, but connecting through letters still nourishes my soul with a depth I crave.

I am so not good with transitions. Can anyone relate? When my toddlers went to school full-time, I grieved. I kept thinking, when would we go to the park? (I have since realized we have thousands of park dates left.) When my teenagers got their license, I grieved when would we have captive conversations in the car? (I have since realized we have thousands of more miles together.)

Letting Go of Anxiety

When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy. Psalm 94:19 (NIV)

I was startled awake recently by the sound of one of my children having a nightmare. Still in a fog myself, I ran into her room and immediately began to console her.

It took longer than I expected to help her realize that her dream was just that – a dream. The line between nightmare and reality was a bit fuzzy for her.

Truthfully, that line gets fuzzy for us as moms too. I know I can be a worrier. The fear of what might be can paralyze me if I let it. My guess is this is true for most of us.

Do you feel that silent nudge that you're becoming addicted to the internet? What a difficult and ever-so-present temptation for our generation of mothers. If you feel discouraged and unsatisfied by the time you're spending on Facebook (or Pinterest, or Instagram...or whatever other computer/iPhone black hole you are sucked into!) - THERE IS HOPE.

Here are the two steps I have realized to help with Motherhood Internet Addiction. (It is a thing!)

I am not sure why women feel the crazy need to apologize for their homes, especially to other women.

Years ago when preparing for company, a play date, or simply a friend’s visit, I would sometimes greet guests with a rolling litany of things that I plan to do (or projects I intend to finish) and just how this room or that would come together when...


I believe God gives everyone gifts!  There is something we are all good at. It may not always be talents that are in the spotlight such as singing or playing a musical instrument but there is something inside of all of us that shines especially bright.

I believe this to be true in our children as well and I would encourage you to help them find their gifts and help nurture them.  I know for many parents they get an idea in their head for their children, sometimes even before they are born that they will be great athletes or have the same gifts they enjoyed themselves.  This is not always the case and you can spend years pushing something toward your children that isn't really meant to be. 

Some wonderful ways to nurture your children's gifts are: