You know that point where you just KNOW you are about to snap? 

Last week was our first week back homeschooling, and the week my husband was gone every night, and the week I was a tad hormonal (if you get my drift) and so on. By Wednesday, when my husband returned home (at 8:15pm), I grabbed the keys and jetted out of the house. I had no idea where I was actually going; I just knew I needed to leave!

I really hate feeling like that. I love my kids, and I am, truly, living my dream life. 

My third child of five teeters on the edge of turning the BIG 1-3.  Thirteen.

Actually, her birthday is still months away.  But to hear her talk about the plans, the party, and the anticipated hoopla, one would think it is next week.  

With two sisters ahead of her, this Mama is no longer phased by the endless chatter of plans surrounding this very important-to-her date.  

I realize one of the things that has badgered me and lead me into unwise thinking is unwise teachings. When I was a younger mother and wife, I read books by authors who challenged me as a wife and mother, not made excuses for me. And I really did well with that. It kept me moving forward, even imperfectly. 

A Wise Woman Chooses Her "Experts" Carefully

Todd and I have a newly adopted, thirteen year old, Mexican son named Tyler.  I keep saying 80% of the time, things are really good (leaving the 20% difference up to your imagination.)  We do have mostly good days, moments to capture for Instagram, when he’s learned a new skill, or is wearing a new shirt, and it looks like we’re all caught up in a big God-story. Then there are hard moments, when past trauma and history crash into his new life and in fear, he acts out. Behavior is the language of a child. The voice of my friend, staff child expert, Jayne Schooler, plays in my head.

In that moment, what is he trying to say to me? Am I listening or busy correcting him?