"If you could go back and change one thing...what would it be?"

This is a question both my husband and I have been asked several times by different people now that we're on the other side of foster care. And the truth is, if you had asked me in the midst of it, I'd have given you quite the lengthy list. I wanted to change all of it.

How many kids we took in.
Their ages.
Their pain.
The timing.
More support.
Our struggle.
My attitude.
My husbands attitude.
My kids attitudes.
The list would have gone on and on and on.

And yet looking back now, I know for certain that I wouldn't change a single thing.

Teaching our children to learn good character and how to pray doesn’t have to be overly complicated or over-spiritualized. Most children don’t understand the supernatural until they are older, closer to middle school age. 

You see, children learn best from example and demonstration. While they can learn to pray for from us, they can also learn from other great resources that speak right to them, at their level. 

A good resource for beginners is the Just Like Jesus Bible Storybook.

5 Tips for Memorizing Scripture with Your Kids

Helping your children to memorize scripture is a gift you can give your children that will yield blessing - both immediate and years to come.  The discipline of scripture memory can build intellect, shape hearts, and clarify God's Word in the soul of your child.  While many of us know to teach children John 3:16, the Lord's Prayer, and maybe even Psalm 23, scripture memory can be so much more.  Children have a great capacity for memory work.  Unlike adults, their minds are these wonderful blank maps in which loving believing parents can etch Biblical pathways that will yield blessings in the lives of their children for years to come.

That's how I felt.

I wrote this article for the first time earlier today.  And it took me nearly two hours.
And then my computer froze and the dreaded-dread-thing happened.  I had to restart the computer and when I returned to the article everything was blank.
