"Do you feel like you can only react to your family rather than respond to them?"

I had been feeling helpless and out of control when it came to my short fuse with my family and had sought the wise counsel of a trusted friend. When she asked me that question I felt she had hit the nail right on the head. I finally had words to articulate what I felt going on inside.

I used to get frightened on those nights when my husband traveled.

For the first 13 years of our marriage he traveled off and on. Some months were worse than others. I remember one particular October he was gone 18 days that month alone. May was the worst month of all. I always dreaded May, the month he was on the road visiting all offices throughout the Pacific NW. There were barely enough days in the month for him to visit them all, so often times travels rolled over into June.

I was scared he would get in a car accident, a plane crash, or worse.

I would lie in bed at night and hear weird noises downstairs, outside on the property, and even down the hall.

I remember putting on a movie to try and distract myself, but all it really did was cause me to worry more.

Those were crazy awful days. 

If you're suffering from anxiety, you don't even need me to expound. You already know how embarrassing, debilitating, and terrifying this anxiety stuff is. 

I lived through a few years of those crazy awful days. Praying and praying for things to change. Dreading each new day. Dreading each dark night. 

Afraid to explain to my loved ones how bad it was. 

Bewildered that this was happening to me.

Most of us feel inadequate at times to be used by God. We feel like we don’t know enough, we haven’t been a Christian long enough, we’re too old, not old enough, don’t have the right gifts, and the list goes on! The fear can be crippling for adults and children alike.

“Can we get froyo tonight?” my kids begged. “Pleeeease!!!”

Frozen yogurt, or froyo for short, is their current favorite dessert. In utter disbelief, I listened to my four children begging for more froyo just minutes after we had taken them to a particular restaurant for dinner. With a stern “No,” I launched into what I thought was a rather convincing lecture on gratefulness! Seriously! 

There are some days that as my children ask for more and more and more, I wonder if they will ever be satisfied. And I wonder where did all this want, want, and more want, begin??