When Answer to Prayer Comes Slowly

We live in a Culture of instant gratification. It's easy to forget that sometimes we can not escape waiting. Can we still trust God when his answer is... "Be still and wait?" Here's how to thrive and rest in the tension of being in between.

Does My Child Need Emotional Therapy?

Could your child need therapy?  Every child faces some level of stress or difficulties i his life. Most of these are mild and short lived, but sometimes a child's problems do not resolve in an acceptable time frame. Here's what to look for and how to respond if you think your child might need the help of a professional.

The Weight of Motherhood Isn't All On Your Shoulders

Do you feel like your motherhood is tied to your circumstances, or even fate? If you drew the short end of the stick, then this whole season is shot? Or perhaps that every outcome is dependent upon you alone? It's time to set those myths free and embrace the truth about what God says about you as a mom today!

God Isn't Sneaking Out of the Room

Do you ever struggle to put your kids to bed? Maybe find yourself longing to escape the routine and the rocking and just experience a little....freedom? As our hearts draw near to our children, we can also draw nearer to God and His father heart for each one of us. Do you know how He loves you today?