5 Surprising Things Moms Don't Know They'll Miss

Moms of little ones, we know the days feel long. We know you're tired. But would you believe we also know you are going to miss these little years beyond your imagination? Older moms have respective, but you have these sweet days before you- here's how to make the most of them!

If I Could Start My Family of 7 Over Again

Do you ever wish you could start over again as a mom and wife? Wipe the slate clean and make all things new? Each of us carries mistakes that burden us, each of us hopes for a new beginning sometimes. And while we can't ever go back completely, there is great hope for God to do something new today, if you will only let him!

When You're Only Making Ripples

Do you feel like your life isn't making a difference? The faithful decisions you make? Those matter. They may only be tiny ripples while everyone else is making a big splash, but those ripples eventually form waves that join the tide and even change the land. Don't stop! Come be encouraged to keep at it today.