Undivided Marriage: A Puzzle Worth Solving

It doesn't take long after getting married (and many time even before!) to figure out that you and your spouse are very different! So what can we do?! How can we make the puzzle pieces of our different personalities, preferences and passions fit together the right way??

The Best Friend Our Kids Will Have

We are called to guide our kids growing in knowledge of Jesus and relationship with Jesus, but He and He alone will take the seeds we plant to perfect their faith and produce the righteous character we long to see in their lives. ...

What Really Defines Your Worth

It’s a hard lesson to separate your performance from your identity.  The double-edged sword is that standards are necessary. Expectations should be given, and performances need to be evaluated. But the trouble comes when we cannot separate our performance from our worth.

An Inspiration, Indeed

What if your mission of motherhood incorporated the vision of seeing yourself as woman who is inspiring? Being a mom who inspires is what happens between, around, and in the midst of those necessary tasks of life. How does this look in real life? Join us here....