We find ourselves closing yet another year, yet another chapter of our story.

I am not sure what 2014 brought for your family, or whether you are ready to release the last 365 days or whether you anticipate the days ahead.  Maybe time has flowed smoothly and great ideas, adventures, and memories were sought after and enjoyed.

On the other hand, because the human experience includes them, maybe your journey also included saying goodbye, loss of some kind, or moments you would rather forget.

The Gift That Is Never Too Late To Give

While many of us unwrap simple and luxurious, silly and sophisticated, useful and useless gifts this Christmas season, there is one thing that can't be sent via Amazon or placed under a tree. 

It is the gift of time.

Though it is rarely requested on a wish list, the gift of quality time spent with another person is the one gift that is rarely forgotten, never superfluous, and always a blessing.

Have you ever felt as if the weight of the world were on your shoulders? Even after praying, crying, and waiting on God - you just can't shake that feeling? I have. And as a matter of fact, as I write these very words, I am fighting back against it. Maybe you are feeling this way today, too? Even if you are not, I pray that these words will minister to your heart.

Today, (and every day here after) I quit.

As the whole food meal plan contributor here at The Better Mom, I share bi-weekly meal plans full of delicious, family-friendly recipes. My heart in creating these free meal plans is to help families eat healthier while saving time, money and stress.

Of course, this can be especially challenging if you, or your family member(s) have food intolerances like sensitivities to gluten or dairy – or if you’re simply striving to eat a healthier, lower carbohydrate diet.

That’s why I’m excited to announce my first published cookbook – Everyday Grain-Free Baking!

The New Year will be here before we know it and this is the perfect time to be thinking about setting goals. We often think of goal setting for our businesses, homeschooling, or even our health.  Most of us want to set individual goals or resolutions; however we don’t usually think to set family goals.

I want to encourage you this year to do something different!